Romuald Jolivot
Romuald Jolivot
BU-CROCCS, Bangkok University
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Skin parameter map retrieval from a dedicated multispectral imaging system applied to dermatology/cosmetology
R Jolivot, Y Benezeth, F Marzani
International journal of biomedical imaging 2013 (1), 978289, 2013
Reconstruction of hyperspectral cutaneous data from an artificial neural network-based multispectral imaging system
R Jolivot, P Vabres, F Marzani
Computerized medical imaging and graphics 35 (2), 85-88, 2011
Advances in imaging probes and optical microendoscopic imaging techniques for early in vivo cancer assessment
N Khemthongcharoen, R Jolivot, S Rattanavarin, W Piyawattanametha
Advanced drug delivery reviews, 2013
Colour and multispectral imaging for wound healing evaluation in the context of a comparative preclinical study
D Nouri, Y Lucas, S Treuillet, R Jolivot, F Marzani
Medical Imaging 2013: Image Processing 8669, 562-571, 2013
Android malware classification based on mobile security framework
S Sachdeva, R Jolivot, W Choensawat
IAENG International Journal of Computer Science 45 (4), 514-522, 2018
Analysis of multispectral images of excised colon tissue samples based on genetic algorithms
J Galeano, R Jolivot, Y Benezeth, F Marzani, JF Emile, D Lamarque
2012 Eighth International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet …, 2012
Validation of a 2D multispectral camera: application to dermatology/cosmetology on a population covering five skin phototypes
R Jolivot, H Nugroho, P Vabres, MHA Fadzil, F Marzani
European Conference on Biomedical Optics, 808729, 2011
Development of an imaging system dedicated to the acquisition analysis and multispectral characterisation of skin lesion
R Jolivot
Université de Bourgogne, 2011
Single-step 3D-printed integrated optical system and its implementation for a sensing application using digital light processing technology
K Swargiary, P Jarutatsanangkoon, P Suwanich, R Jolivot, ...
Applied Optics 59 (1), 122-128, 2019
Unmixing of human skin optical reflectance maps by Non-negative Matrix Factorization algorithm
J Galeano, R Jolivot, F Marzani, Y Benezeth
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 8 (2), 169-175, 2013
Melanin type and concentration determination using inverse model
H Nugroho, AFM Hani, R Jolivot, F Marzani
2011 National Postgraduate Conference, 1-7, 2011
Demonstration of a polymer-based single step waveguide by 3D printing digital light processing technology for isopropanol alcohol-concentration sensor
K Swargiary, R Jolivot, WS Mohammed
Photonic Sensors, 1-13, 2022
Source separation on hyperspectral cube applied to dermatology
J Mitra, R Jolivot, P Vabres, FS Marzani
Medical Imaging 2010: Computer-Aided Diagnosis 7624, 990-1000, 2010
Enhanced sensitivity of guided mode resonance sensor through super-mode excitation at near cut-off diffraction
H Deb, N Srisuai, R Jolivot, C Promptmas, WS Mohammed, S Boonruang
Optics & Laser Technology 132, 106517, 2020
Novel p16 binding peptide development for p16‐overexpressing cancer cell detection using phage display
N Khemthongcharoen, A Ruangpracha, P Sarapukdee, S Rattanavarin, ...
Journal of Peptide Science 21 (4), 265-273, 2015
Realization of low-cost multichannel surface plasmon resonance based optical transducer
M Somarapalli, R Jolivot, W Mohammed
Photonic Sensors 8, 289-302, 2018
Quantification of melanin and hemoglobin in human skin from multispectral image acquisition: use of a neuronal network combined to a non-negative matrix factorization
JA Galeano, R Jolivot, F Marzani
Applied and Computational Mathematics 11 (2), 257-270, 2012
Analysis of human skin hyper-spectral images by non-negative matrix factorization
J Galeano, R Jolivot, F Marzani
Advances in Soft Computing: 10th Mexican International Conference on …, 2011
An open system to generate hyperspectral cubes for skin optical reflectance analysis
R Jolivot, FS Marzani, P Vabres
Skin Research and Technology 16 (4), ??, 2010
Demonstration of cross reaction in hybrid graphene oxide/tantalum dioxide guided mode resonance sensor for selective volatile organic compound
K Tantiwanichapan, R Jolivot, A Jomphoak, N Srisuai, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 10799, 2023
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Articles 1–20