Lorrie Faith Cranor
Lorrie Faith Cranor
Other namesLorrie Cranor
FORE Systems Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
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Cited by
The cost of reading privacy policies
AM McDonald, LF Cranor
ISJLP 4, 543-897, 2009
The effect of online privacy information on purchasing behavior: An experimental study
JY Tsai, S Egelman, L Cranor, A Acquisti
Information systems research 22 (2), 254-268, 2011
Cantina: a content-based approach to detecting phishing web sites
Y Zhang, JI Hong, LF Cranor
Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web, 639-648, 2007
Who falls for phish? A demographic analysis of phishing susceptibility and effectiveness of interventions
S Sheng, M Holbrook, P Kumaraguru, LF Cranor, J Downs
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2010
The platform for privacy preferences 1.0 (P3P1. 0) specification
World Wide Web Consortium
World Wide Web Consortium, 2002
You've been warned: an empirical study of the effectiveness of web browser phishing warnings
S Egelman, LF Cranor, J Hong
Proceeding of the twenty-sixth annual SIGCHI conference on Human factors in …, 2008
Privacy in e-commerce: examining user scenarios and privacy preferences
MS Ackerman, LF Cranor, J Reagle
Proceedings of the 1st ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, 1-8, 1999
Anti-phishing phil: the design and evaluation of a game that teaches people not to fall for phish
S Sheng, B Magnien, P Kumaraguru, A Acquisti, LF Cranor, J Hong, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd symposium on Usable privacy and security, 88-99, 2007
" I regretted the minute I pressed share" a qualitative study of regrets on Facebook
Y Wang, G Norcie, S Komanduri, A Acquisti, PG Leon, LF Cranor
Proceedings of the seventh symposium on usable privacy and security, 1-16, 2011
Nudges for privacy and security: Understanding and assisting users’ choices online
A Acquisti, I Adjerid, R Balebako, L Brandimarte, LF Cranor, S Komanduri, ...
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 50 (3), 1-41, 2017
Security and usability: Designing secure systems that people can use
LF Cranor, S Garfinkel
O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2005
A" nutrition label" for privacy
PG Kelley, J Bresee, LF Cranor, RW Reeder
Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, 1-12, 2009
Cantina+ a feature-rich machine learning framework for detecting phishing web sites
G Xiang, J Hong, CP Rose, L Cranor
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC) 14 (2), 1-28, 2011
Beyond concern: Understanding net users' attitudes about online privacy
LF Cranor, J Reagle, MS Ackerman
Crying wolf: An empirical study of ssl warning effectiveness.
J Sunshine, S Egelman, H Almuhimedi, N Atri, LF Cranor
USENIX security symposium, 399-416, 2009
Guess again (and again and again): Measuring password strength by simulating password-cracking algorithms
PG Kelley, S Komanduri, ML Mazurek, R Shay, T Vidas, L Bauer, ...
2012 IEEE symposium on security and privacy, 523-537, 2012
Are your participants gaming the system?: screening mechanical turk workers
JS Downs, MB Holbrook, S Sheng, LF Cranor
Proceedings of the 28th international conference on Human factors in …, 2010
Engineering privacy
S Spiekermann, LF Cranor
IEEE Transactions on software engineering 35 (1), 67-82, 2008
LF Cranor, BA LaMacchia
Communications of the ACM 41 (8), 74-83, 1998
Teaching Johnny not to fall for phish
P Kumaraguru, S Sheng, A Acquisti, LF Cranor, J Hong
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 10 (2), 1-31, 2010
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Articles 1–20