Carl Maertz
Carl Maertz
Professor of Management, University of Louisville
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The effects of perceived organizational support and perceived supervisor support on employee turnover
CP Maertz Jr, RW Griffeth, NS Campbell, DG Allen
Journal of Organizational Behavior 28 (8), 1059-1075, 2007
Eight motivational forces and voluntary turnover: A theoretical synthesis with implications for research
CP Maertz Jr, RW Griffeth
Journal of management 30 (5), 667-683, 2004
Profiles in quitting: Integrating process and content turnover theory
CP Maertz Jr, MA Campion
Academy of Management journal 47 (4), 566-582, 2004
Work-family conflict: A model of linkages between work and family domain variables and turnover intentions
SL Boyar, CP Maertz Jr, AW Pearson, S Keough
Journal of managerial Issues, 175-190, 2003
25 years of voluntary turnover research: A Review
CP Maertz, MA Campion
International review of industrial and organizational psychology 13, 49-82, 1998
Longitudinal assessment of applicant reactions to employment testing and test outcome feedback.
TN Bauer, CP Maertz Jr, MR Dolen, MA Campion
Journal of applied Psychology 83 (6), 892, 1998
Work-family conflict, enrichment, and balance under “levels” and “episodes” approaches
CP Maertz Jr, SL Boyar
Journal of Management 37 (1), 68-98, 2011
Building successful internships: lessons from the research for interns, schools, and employers
C P. Maertz Jr, P A. Stoeberl, J Marks
Career Development International 19 (1), 123-142, 2014
The impact of work/family demand on work‐family conflict
SL Boyar, CP Maertz Jr, DC Mosley Jr, JC Carr
Journal of Managerial Psychology 23 (3), 215-235, 2008
A critical analysis of the workplace creativity criterion space
T Montag, CP Maertz Jr, M Baer
Journal of Management 38 (4), 1362-1386, 2012
The effects of work–family conflict and family–work conflict on nonattendance behaviors
SL Boyar, CP Maertz Jr, AW Pearson
Journal of Business Research 58 (7), 919-925, 2005
All you need is… resources: The effects of justice and support on burnout and turnover
NS Campbell, SJ Perry, CP Maertz Jr, DG Allen, RW Griffeth
human relations 66 (6), 759-782, 2013
The role of calculative attachment in the relationship between diversity climate and retention
DM Kaplan, JW Wiley, CP Maertz Jr
Human Resource Management 50 (2), 271-287, 2011
When learning is not enough: A process model of expatriate adjustment as cultural cognitive dissonance reduction
CP Maertz Jr, A Hassan, P Magnusson
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 108 (1), 66-78, 2009
A turnover model for the Mexican maquiladoras
CP Maertz, MJ Stevens, MA Campion
Journal of Vocational Behavior 63 (1), 111-135, 2003
Testing and extending the unfolding model of voluntary turnover to IT professionals
F Niederman, M Sumner, CP Maertz Jr
Human resource management: Published in cooperation with the school of …, 2007
Downsizing effects on survivors: Layoffs, offshoring, and outsourcing
CP Maertz Jr, JW Wiley, C LeRouge, MA Campion
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 49 (2), 275-285, 2010
Searching outside the box in creative problem solving: The role of creative thinking skills and domain knowledge
T Montag-Smit, CP Maertz Jr
Journal of Business Research 81, 1-10, 2017
On-the-job and off-the-job embeddedness differentially influence relationships between informal job search and turnover.
CM Porter, RA Posthuma, CP Maertz Jr, JRW Joplin, J Rigby, M Gordon, ...
Journal of Applied Psychology 104 (5), 678, 2019
Procedural justice's relationship with turnover: Explaining past inconsistent findings
RA Posthuma, CP Maertz Jr, JB Dworkin
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2007
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