Steven Young
Steven Young
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Board monitoring and earnings management: do outside directors influence abnormal accruals?
KV Peasnell, PF Pope, S Young
Journal of business finance & accounting 32 (7‐8), 1311-1346, 2005
The link between earnings timeliness, earnings conservatism and board composition: evidence from the UK
W Beekes, P Pope, S Young
Corporate Governance: An International Review 12 (1), 47-59, 2004
Detecting earnings management using cross-sectional abnormal accruals models
KV Peasnell, PF Pope, S Young
Accounting and Business research 30 (4), 313-326, 2000
Accrual management to meet earnings targets: UK evidence pre-and post-Cadbury
KV Peasnell, PF Pope, S Young
The British Accounting Review 32 (4), 415-445, 2000
Systematic measurement error in the estimation of discretionary accruals: An evaluation of alternative modelling procedures
S Young
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 26 (7‐8), 833-862, 1999
Constituent lobbying and its impact on the development of financial reporting regulations: evidence from Germany
S McLeay, D Ordelheide, S Young
Accounting, Organizations and Society 25 (1), 79-98, 2000
Managerial equity ownership and the demand for outside directors
KV Peasnell, PF Pope, S Young
European Financial Management 9 (2), 231-250, 2003
R&D expenditure and earnings targets
BG Osma, S Young
European Accounting Review 18 (1), 7-32, 2009
The characteristics of firms subject to adverse rulings by the Financial Reporting Review Panel
KV Peasnell, PF Pope, S Young
Accounting and Business Research 31 (4), 291-311, 2001
Accounting comparability and the accuracy of peer-based valuation models
S Young, Y Zeng
The Accounting Review 90 (6), 2571-2601, 2015
Fad or future? Automated analysis of financial text and its implications for corporate reporting
C Lewis, S Young
Accounting and Business Research 49 (5), 587-615, 2019
Share reacquisitions, surplus cash, and agency problems
D Oswald, S Young
Journal of Banking & Finance 32 (5), 795-806, 2008
What role taxes and regulation? A second look at open market share buyback activity in the UK
D Oswald, S Young
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 31 (1‐2), 257-292, 2004
In search of meaning: Lessons, resources and next steps for computational analysis of financial discourse
M El‐Haj, P Rayson, M Walker, S Young, V Simaki
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 46 (3-4), 265-306, 2019
The increasing use of non‐executive directors: its impact on UK board structure and governance arrangements
S Young
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 27 (9‐10), 1311-1342, 2000
Outside directors, board effectiveness, and earnings management
PF Pope, KV Peasnell, S Young
Board Effectiveness, and Earnings Management (April 1998), 1998
Disagreement over the persistence of earnings components: evidence on the properties of management-specific adjustments to GAAP earnings
YS Choi, S Lin, M Walker, S Young
Review of Accounting Studies 12, 595-622, 2007
Retrieving, classifying and analysing narrative commentary in unstructured (glossy) annual reports published as PDF files
M El-Haj, P Alves, P Rayson, M Walker, S Young
Accounting and Business Research 50 (1), 6-34, 2020
Stock repurchases and executive compensation contract design: The role of earnings per share performance conditions
S Young, J Yang
The Accounting Review 86 (2), 703-733, 2011
The determinants of managerial accounting policy choice: Further evidence for the UK
S Young
Accounting and Business research 28 (2), 131-143, 1998
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Articles 1–20