Driving and ‘passengering’: Notes on the ordinary organization of car travel E Laurier, H Lorimer, B Brown, O Jones, O Juhlin, A Noble, M Perry, ... Mobilities 3 (1), 1-23, 2008 | 523 | 2008 |
Instagram at the museum: communicating the museum experience through social photo sharing A Weilenmann, T Hillman, B Jungselius Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2013 | 341 | 2013 |
Local use and sharing of mobile phones A Weilenmann, C Larsson Wireless world: Social and interactional aspects of the mobile age, 92-107, 2002 | 287 | 2002 |
“I Can't Talk Now, I'm in a Fitting Room”: Formulating Availability and Location in Mobile-Phone Conversations A Weilenmann Environment and Planning A 35 (9), 1589-1605, 2003 | 180 | 2003 |
Mobile presence and intimacy—Reshaping social actions in mobile contextual configuration I Arminen, A Weilenmann Journal of Pragmatics 41 (10), 1905-1923, 2009 | 131 | 2009 |
Doing mobility A Weilenmann rapport nr.: Gothenburg studies in Informatics, 2003 | 128 | 2003 |
Five provocations for ethical HCI research B Brown, A Weilenmann, D McMillan, A Lampinen Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2016 | 127 | 2016 |
Negotiating use: Making sense of mobile technology A Weilenmann Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 5, 137-145, 2001 | 118 | 2001 |
“It must not disturb, it’s as simple as that”: Students’ voices on mobile phones in the infrastructure for learning in Swedish upper secondary school T Ott, AG Magnusson, A Weilenmann, Y Hård af Segerstad Education and Information Technologies 23, 517-536, 2018 | 101 | 2018 |
Drivers using mobile phones in traffic: An ethnographic study of interactional adaptation M Esbjörnsson, O Juhlin, A Weilenmann International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 22 (1-2), 37-58, 2007 | 92 | 2007 |
Understanding people and animals: the use of a positioning system in ordinary human-canine interaction A Weilenmann, O Juhlin Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2011 | 76 | 2011 |
Managing walking together: The challenge of revolving doors A Weilenmann, D Normark, E Laurier Space and Culture 17 (2), 122-136, 2014 | 57 | 2014 |
" I'm waiting where we met last time" exploring everyday positioning practices to inform design AH Weilenmann, P Leuchovius Proceedings of the third Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction, 33-42, 2004 | 57 | 2004 |
Decentralizing the control room: Mobile work and institutional order O Juhlin, A Weilenmann ECSCW 2001: Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference on Computer …, 2001 | 51 | 2001 |
Selfies in the wild: Studying selfie photography as a local practice A Weilenmann, T Hillman Mobile Media & Communication 8 (1), 42-61, 2020 | 48 | 2020 |
Hummingbirds go skiing: Using wearable computers to support social interaction A Weilenmann, LE Holmquist Digest of Papers. Third International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 191-192, 1999 | 46 | 1999 |
Mobile video literacy: Negotiating the use of a new visual technology A Weilenmann, R Säljö, A Engström Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 18, 737-752, 2014 | 38 | 2014 |
On doing ‘Being Teenager’. Applying ethnomethodology to the analysis of young people’s use of mobile phones A Weilenmann, C Larsson Proceedings of IRIS 23, 2000 | 37 | 2000 |
Incidental and Essential Objects in Interaction A Weilenmann, G Lymer Interacting with objects: Language, materiality, and social activity, 319-337, 2014 | 35 | 2014 |
Collaborative use of mobile telephones: A field study of Swedish teenagers A Weilenmann Proc. NordiCHI2000, 2000 | 30 | 2000 |