David Ian Tucker
David Ian Tucker
Hope Community Services
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What drives communities' decisions and behaviours in the reuse of wastewater
BE Nancarrow, Z Leviston, M Po, NB Porter, DI Tucker
Water Science and Technology 57 (4), 485-491, 2008
Measuring the predictors of communities' behavioural decisions for potable reuse of wastewater
BE Nancarrow, Z Leviston, DI Tucker
Water Science and Technology 60 (12), 3199-3209, 2009
Predicting community behaviour: Indirect potable reuse of wastewater through Managed Aquifer Recharge
Z Leviston, BE Nancarrow, DI Tucker, NB Porter
Land and Water Science Report 2906 (29), 06, 2006
Community values and attitudes towards land use on the Gnangara Groundwater System: A Sense of Place study in Perth, Western Australia
S Tapsuwan, Z Leviston, D Tucker
Landscape and Urban Planning 100 (1-2), 24-34, 2011
Adapting to Less Water: Household Willingness to Pay for Decentralised Water Systems in Urban Australia
G Tapsuwan, Burton, Mankad, Tucker
Water Resources 28 (14), 1111-1125, 2014
Motivational indicators of protective behaviour in response to urban water shortage threat
A Mankad, M Greenhill, D Tucker, S Tapsuwan
Journal of Hydrology 491, 100-107, 2013
Community acceptability of the indirect potable use of purified recycled water in South East Queensland and preferences for alternative water sources: A baseline measure
BE Nancarrow, Z Leviston, D Tucker, MP Greenhill, J Price, P Dzidic
CSIRO Land and Water, 2007
Qualitative Exploration of Beliefs, Values and Knowledge Associated with Decentralised Water Supplies in South East Queensland Communities
A Mankad, D Tucker, S Tapsuwan, MP Greenhill
Urban Water Security Research Alliance, 2010
Community acceptability of the indirect potable use of purified recycled water in south-east Queensland: Final report of monitoring surveys
J Price, K Fielding, Z Leviston, B Bishop, S Nicol, M Greenhill, D Tucker
Brisbane: CSIRO-Urban Water Security Research Alliance, 2010
Sense of Place: Towards a methodology to value externalities associated with urban water systems
D Tucker, C Johnston, Z Leviston, BS Jorgensen, BE Nancarrow
CSIRO: Water for a Healthy Country National Research Flagship, Land and …, 2006
The influence of coping appraisals on the adoption of decentralised water systems in Australia
S Tapsuwan, A Mankad, M Greenhill, D Tucker
Urban Water Journal 14 (1), 45-52, 2017
Structuring dimensions of risk: technical and community perceptions of risk in the reuse of wastewater for irrigation and indirect potable supply
AL Browne, Z Leviston, MP Greenhill, BE Nancarrow, DI Tucker, ...
Nafional Research Flagships, CSIRO, Australia, 2007
Alternative household water systems: perceptions of knowledge and trust among residents of South East Queensland
A Mankad, D Tucker
Ecopsychology 4 (4), 296-306, 2012
Motivational Indicators of Decentralised Systems Use among Householders in South East Queensland
A Mankad, S Tapsuwan, MP Greenhill, D Tucker, S Malkin
Sustainable water use at the household level: a scoping report
A Browne, D Tucker, CS Johnstone, Z Leviston
CSIRO Publishing, 2007
Mandated versus Retrofitted Tank Owners: Psychological Factors Predicting Maintenance and Management
A Mankad, D Tucker, MP Greenhill
Partnerships and Understanding Towards Targeted Implementation: Identifying factors influencing land management practice in the Lachlan Catchment
LE Bates, BJ Bishop, PL Dzidic, MJ Green, Z Leviston, SC Nicol, J Price, ...
CSIRO: Water for a Healthy Country National Research Flagship, 2008
Rainwater tank adoption in South East Queensland–factors influencing maintenance and management
D Tucker, A Mankad, M Greenhill
Urban Water Security Research Alliance 3rd Science Forum. Brisbane, Australia, 2011
Sense of Place: Perth Community Attitude Towards Places of Significance on the Gnangara Groundwater System
S Tapsuwan, Z Leviston, D Tucker
CSIRO: Water for a Healthy Country National Research Flagship, CSIRO …, 2009
Partnerships and understanding towards targeted implementation: Identifying factors influencing land management practices
NB Porter, DI Tucker, Z Leviston, SN Russell, M Po, AJ Fry, W McIntyre, ...
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