Christopher  Shook
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Cited by
The application of cluster analysis in strategic management research: an analysis and critique
DJ Ketchen, CL Shook
Strategic management journal 17 (6), 441-458, 1996
An assessment of the use of structural equation modeling in strategic management research
CL Shook, DJ Ketchen Jr, GTM Hult, KM Kacmar
Strategic management journal 25 (4), 397-404, 2004
The concept of “opportunity” in entrepreneurship research: Past accomplishments and future challenges
JC Short, DJ Ketchen Jr, CL Shook, RD Ireland
Journal of management 36 (1), 40-65, 2010
Venture creation and the enterprising individual: A review and synthesis
CL Shook, RL Priem, JE McGee
Journal of management 29 (3), 379-399, 2003
Organizational culture and effectiveness: A study of values, attitudes, and organizational outcomes
BT Gregory, SG Harris, AA Armenakis, CL Shook
Journal of business research 62 (7), 673-679, 2009
The dimensionality of organizational performance and its implications for strategic management research
JG Combs, T Russell Crook, CL Shook
Research methodology in strategy and management, 259-286, 2005
Organizational Configurations and Performance: A Meta-Analysis
SL David J Ketchen Jr, James G Combs, Craig J Russell, Chris Shook, Michelle ...
Academy of Management Journal 40 (1), 223-240, 1997
Entrepreneurial intent in a transitional economy: an application of the theory of planned behavior to Romanian students
CL Shook, C Bratianu
International entrepreneurship and management journal 6, 231-247, 2010
Antecedents and consequences of franchising: Past accomplishments and future challenges
JG Combs, DJ Ketchen Jr, CL Shook, JC Short
Journal of management 37 (1), 99-126, 2011
Downsizing the firm: Answering the strategic questions
GD Bruton, JK Keels, CL Shook
Academy of Management Perspectives 10 (2), 38-45, 1996
Towards a “theoretical toolbox” for strategic sourcing
CL Shook, GL Adams, DJ Ketchen Jr, CW Craighead
Supply chain management: an international journal 14 (1), 3-10, 2009
Of scapegoats and signals: Investor reactions to CEO succession in the aftermath of wrongdoing
KA Gangloff, BL Connelly, CL Shook
Journal of Management 42 (6), 1614-1634, 2016
The past, present, and future of entrepreneurship research: Data analytic trends and training
MA Dean, CL Shook, GT Payne
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 31 (4), 601-618, 2007
Are we there yet? An assessment of research design and construct measurement practices in entrepreneurship research
TR Crook, CL Shook, ML Morris, TM Madden
Organizational Research Methods 13 (1), 192-206, 2010
Investor perceptions of CEO successor selection in the wake of integrity and competence failures: A policy capturing study
BL Connelly, DJ Ketchen Jr, KA Gangloff, CL Shook
Strategic management journal 37 (10), 2135-2151, 2016
Entrepreneur political skill and new venture performance: Extending the social competence perspective
N Tocher, SL Oswald, CL Shook, G Adams
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 24 (5-6), 283-305, 2012
Data analytic trends and training in strategic management
CL Shook, DJ Ketchen Jr, CS Cycyota, D Crockett
Strategic Management Journal 24 (12), 1231-1237, 2003
Understanding strategic entrepreneurship: A “theoretical toolbox” approach
MJ Mazzei, DJ Ketchen, CL Shook
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 13, 631-663, 2017
The presence of equivalent models in strategic management research using structural equation modeling: Assessing and addressing the problem
AB Henley, CL Shook, M Peterson
Organizational Research Methods 9 (4), 516-535, 2006
Understanding and managing CEO celebrity
DJ Ketchen Jr, GL Adams, CL Shook
Business Horizons 51 (6), 529-534, 2008
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Articles 1–20