Mercedes Rico García. ORCID ID ORCID-ID 0000-0001-5315-5901
Mercedes Rico García. ORCID ID ORCID-ID 0000-0001-5315-5901
Professor f English
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Cited by
Cited by
A comparative study in motivation and learning through print-oriented and computer-oriented tests
MR García, FV Arias
Computer assisted language learning 13 (4-5), 457-465, 2000
Aprendizaje móvil de inglés mediante juegos de espías en Educación Secundaria
MMR García, JEA Garzón
RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia 19 (1), 121-139, 2016
Moodle en la enseñanza presencial y mixta del inglés en contextos universitarios
IG Rey, EH García, MR García
RIED-Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia 12 (1), 169-193, 2009
Competencias Transversales: Percepción de su desarrollo en el Grado en Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial y Desarrollo de Productos
JE Agudo, R Hernández-Linares, M Rico, H Sánchez
Formación universitaria 6 (5), 39-50, 2013
Educational e-portfolios: Uses and Tools
P Amaya, JE Agudo, H Sánchez, M Rico, R Hernández-Linares
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 93, 1169-1173, 2013
Funciones ejecutivas y toma de decisiones en drogodependientes: rendimiento neuropsicológico y funcionamiento cerebral
A Verdejo
Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2006
Multimedia games for fun and learning English in preschool
JE Agudo, M Rico, H Sánchez
Digital education review, 183-205, 2015
Instructional design of a networked learning skills module for Web-based collaborative distance learning
JM Nunes, M McPherson, M Rico
Proceedings of the European Conference on Web-Based Learning Environments …, 2000
Playing games on the screen: Adapting mouse interaction at early ages
JE Agudo, H Sánchez, M Rico
2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2010
Language learning resources and developments in the Second Life metaverse
S Dominguez-Noriega, JE Agudo, P Ferreira, M Rico
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 3 (5), 496-509, 2011
A Second look at Second Life: Virtual role-play as a motivational factor in higher education
P Edwards, E Dominguez, M Rico
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2008
Angiotensin-converting enzyme gene single polymorphism as a genetic biomarker of diabetic peripheral neuropathy: longitudinal prospective study
J Jurado, J Ybarra, JH Romeo, M Garcia, E Zabaleta-Del-Olmo
Journal of Diabetes and its Complications 26 (2), 77-82, 2012
Intercultural communication in engineering studies: a key competence in global labour markets
M Rico-García, LV Fielden Burns
European Journal of Engineering Education 45 (6), 833-853, 2020
Transversal competences of university students of engineering
R Hernandez-Linares, JE Agudo, M Rico, H Sánchez
Croatian Journal of Education: Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje 17 (2 …, 2015
Developing adaptive systems at early stages of children's foreign language development
ABC Espada, MR Garcia, AC Fuentes, EMD Gomez
ReCALL 18 (1), 45-62, 2006
Everything matters: Development of cross-curricular competences in engineering through web 2.0 social objects
M Rico, J Coppens, P Ferreira, H Sánchez, JE Agudo
Ubiquitous and mobile learning in the digital age, 139-157, 2013
Análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo del aprendizaje de Programación I en la Universidad Central del Ecuador
J Beltrán, H Sánchez, M Rico
Revista Tecnológica-ESPOL 28 (5), 2015
Adaptive learning for very young learners
JE Agudo, H Sánchez, M Rico
Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems: 4th International …, 2006
Aprendizaje divertido de programación con gamificación
J Beltrán, H Sánchez, M Rico
RISTI-Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologías de Información 41, 17-33, 2021
Evaluando competencias en ingeniería: un eportfolio basado en Moodle
JM Vaca, JE Agudo, M Rico
XV Simposio Internacional de Tecnologías de la Información y las …, 2013
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Articles 1–20