Michael F. Pesko
Michael F. Pesko
J. Rhodes Foster Professor at University of Missouri
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The effects of traditional cigarette and e-cigarette tax rates on adult tobacco product use
MF Pesko, CJ Courtemanche, JC Maclean
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 60 (3), 229-258, 2020
The effects of e-cigarette taxes on e-cigarette prices and tobacco product sales: evidence from retail panel data
C Cotti, C Courtemanche, JC Maclean, E Nesson, MF Pesko, NW Tefft
Journal of Health Economics 86, 102676, 2022
Small primary care physician practices have low rates of preventable hospital admissions
LP Casalino, MF Pesko, AM Ryan, JL Mendelsohn, KR Copeland, ...
Health Affairs 33 (9), 1680-1688, 2014
The influence of electronic cigarette age purchasing restrictions on adolescent tobacco and marijuana use
MF Pesko, JM Hughes, FS Faisal
Preventive medicine 87, 207-212, 2016
The Early Effects of Medicare's Mandatory Hospital Pay‐for‐Performance Program
AM Ryan, JF Burgess Jr, MF Pesko, WB Borden, JB Dimick
Health services research 50 (1), 81-97, 2015
Influence of the flavored cigarette ban on adolescent tobacco use
CJ Courtemanche, MK Palmer, MF Pesko
American journal of preventive medicine 52 (5), e139-e146, 2017
The effects of e‐cigarette minimum legal sale age laws on youth substance use
D Dave, B Feng, MF Pesko
Health economics 28 (3), 419-436, 2019
The effect of potential electronic nicotine delivery system regulations on nicotine product selection
MF Pesko, DS Kenkel, H Wang, JM Hughes
Addiction 111 (4), 734-744, 2016
E‐cigarette price sensitivity among middle‐ and high‐school students: evidence from monitoring the future
MF Pesko, J Huang, LD Johnston, FJ Chaloupka
Addiction 113 (5), 896-906, 2018
Adolescent tobacco use in urban versus rural areas of the United States: the influence of tobacco control policy environments
MF Pesko, AMT Robarts
Journal of Adolescent Health 61 (1), 70-76, 2017
Intended and unintended effects of e-cigarette taxes on youth tobacco use
R Abouk, C Courtemanche, D Dave, B Feng, AS Friedman, JC Maclean, ...
Journal of Health Economics 87, 102720, 2023
E-Cigarette Minimum Legal Sale Age Laws and Traditional Cigarette Use among Rural Pregnant Teenagers
MF Pesko, JM Currie
Journal of Health Economics, 2019
The Effect of Paid Sick Leave Mandates on Coverage, Work Absences, and Presenteeism
K Callison, MF Pesko
Journal of Human Resources, 1017-9124R2, 2020
Cigarette Price-Minimization Strategies by US Smokers
X Xu, MF Pesko, MA Tynan, RB Gerzoff, AM Malarcher, TF Pechacek
American journal of preventive medicine 44 (5), 472-476, 2013
Physician Networks and Ambulatory Care-sensitive Admissions
LP Casalino, MF Pesko, AM Ryan, DJ Nyweide, TJ Iwashyna, X Sun, ...
Medical care 53 (6), 534-541, 2015
Does paid sick leave encourage staying at home? Evidence from the United States during a pandemic
M Andersen, JC Maclean, MF Pesko, K Simon
Health Economics, 2023
Re‐exploring the early relationship between teenage cigarette and e‐cigarette use using price and tax changes
MF Pesko, C Warman
Health Economics 31 (1), 137-153, 2022
Home Health Care: Nurse–physician Communication, Patient Severity, and Hospital Readmission
MF Pesko, LM Gerber, TR Peng, MJ Press
Health services research 53 (2), 1008-1024, 2018
Public insurance expansions and smoking cessation medications
JC Maclean, MF Pesko, SC Hill
Economic inquiry 57 (4), 1798-1820, 2019
The effect of e‐cigarette taxes on pre‐pregnancy and prenatal smoking
R Abouk, S Adams, B Feng, JC Maclean, MF Pesko
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 42 (4), 908-940, 2023
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Articles 1–20