Pattamawan Jimarkon
Cited by
Cited by
Applying Critical Discourse Analysis as a conceptual framework for investigating gender stereotypes in political media discourse
L Sriwimon, PJ Zilli
Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences 38 (2), 136-142, 2017
Active listening in qualitative research interviews
S Louw, RW Todd, P Jimarkon
Proceedings of the International Conference: Research in Applied Linguistics …, 2011
Teacher trainers’ beliefs about feedback on teaching practice: Negotiating the tensions between authoritativeness and dialogic space
S Louw, R Watson Todd, P Jimarkon
Applied Linguistics 37 (6), 745-764, 2016
Language teachers and teaching: Global perspectives, local initiatives
SB Said, LJ Zhang
Routledge, 2013
Examining narratives of conflict and agency: Insights into non-local English teacher identity
DB Loo, W Trakulkasemsuk, PJ Zilli
Journal of Asia TEFL 14 (2), 292, 2017
When queer meets teacher: A narrative inquiry of the lived experience of a teacher of English as a foreign language
H Lin, W Trakulkasemsuk, PJ Zilli
Sexuality & Culture 24, 1064-1081, 2020
A linguistic landscape analysis of Pattaya, Thailand’s sin city
K Prasert, PJ Zilli
Discourse and Interaction 12 (1), 75-95, 2019
Examining power through social relations in teachers’ discourse about intercultural education
DB Loo, W Trakulkasemsuk, P Jimarkon Zilli
Intercultural Education 30 (4), 398-414, 2019
Using Symbolic Interactionism to Investigate Teachers' Professional Identity.
J Sudtho, W Singhasiri, P Jimarkon
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities 23 (4), 2015
Picking the ripe cherry: Extract selection in qualitative research
S Louw, RW Todd, P Jimarkon
Proceedings of the International Conference: Research in Applied Linguistics …, 2014
Using quantitative methods as a framework for qualitative analyses
P Jimarkon, RW Todd
Proceedings of the International Conference: Doing Research in Applied …, 2011
Pre-service Teachers' Digital Experiences through Digital Pedagogical Practices in Norway
P Jimarkon, P Wanphet, K Dikilitas
Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE) 5 (4), 86-103, 2021
The state of the intercultural communicative competence: An exploration through trajectories in English teachers' discourse
DB Loo, W Trakulkasemsuk, PJ Zilli
PASAA 56 (1), 33-64, 2018
The sister, the puppet and the first female PM: How gender stereotypes in Thai politics are generated in the press
L Sriwimon, PJ Zilli
SEARCH: The Journal of the Southeast Asia Research Centre for Communications …, 2017
Stereotypical depiction of Thai women in Hollywood films
S Poltecha
Master of Arts (English Language Studies) Faculty of Liberal Arts Thammasat …, 2017
Use of narrative inquiry to unveil novice teacher’s professional identity
J Sudtho, W Singhasiri, P Jimarkon
Proceedings of Clasic 2014, 451-462, 2014
Red or yellow, peace or war: Agonism and antagonism in online discussion during the 2010 political unrest in Thailand
P Jimarkon, R Watson Todd
Discourse and crisis: Critical perspectives, 301-322, 2013
Being intercultural: examination of an expatriate EFL teacher’s experiences through narrative inquiry
H Lin, W Trakulkasemsuk, PJ Jimarkon Zilli
Human behavior, development and society 21 (2), 100-108, 2020
When Affective Factors Change: A Corpus-based Analysis of Students' Reflections in English E-portfolios
W Phasomyard, P Jimarkon, S Keyuravong
PASAA 46 (1), 75-106, 2013
Designing a transcription system for face-to-face PhD supervisory discourse: A selective-specificity model
W Tian, P Jimarkon, W Singhasiri
Oral presentation and proceeding at Doing Research in Applied Linguistics …, 2011
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Articles 1–20