Mariarosa Scarlata
Cited by
Cited by
Social entrepreneurship and broader theories: Shedding new light on the ‘Bigger Picture’
A Zeyen, M Beckmann, S Mueller, JG Dees, D Khanin, N Krueger, ...
Journal of Social Entrepreneurship 4 (1), 88-107, 2013
Deal structuring in philanthropic venture capital investments: Financing instrument, valuation and covenants
M Scarlata, L Alemany
Journal of Business Ethics 95, 121-145, 2010
Social enterprises, venture philanthropy and the alleviation of income inequality
F Di Lorenzo, M Scarlata
Journal of Business Ethics 159 (2), 307-323, 2019
The effect of founder experience on the performance of philanthropic venture capital firms
M Scarlata, A Zacharakis, J Walske
International Small Business Journal 34 (5), 618-636, 2016
Social, commercial, or both? An exploratory study of the identity orientation of digital social innovations
C Bonina, D López‐Berzosa, M Scarlata
Information Systems Journal, 2020
Ingredients matter: How the human capital of philanthropic and traditional venture capital differs
M Scarlata, J Walske, A Zacharakis
Journal of Business Ethics 145, 623-635, 2017
Philanthropic venture capital: Venture capital for social entrepreneurs?
M Scarlata, LA Gil, A Zacharakis
Foundations and Trends® in Entrepreneurship 8 (4), 279-342, 2012
How do philanthropic venture capitalists choose their portfolio companies?
M Scarlata, L Alemany
Available at SSRN 1343563, 2009
An empirical investigation of the interplay between microcredit, institutional context, and entrepreneurial capabilities
J Kimmitt, M Scarlata, D Dimov
Venture Capital 18 (3), 257-276, 2016
Philanthropic venture capital: Can the key elements of venture capital be applied successfully to social enterprises?
M Scarlata, L Alemany
Available at SSRN 1099277, 2008
Philanthropic Venture Capitalists’ Post-Investment Involvement with Portfolio Social Enterprises: What Do They Actually Do?
M Scarlata, L Alemany
Entrepreneurship, Finance, Governance and Ethics, 75-85, 2012
Philanthropic venture capital: a new model of financing for social entrepreneurs
L Alemany, MRG Scarlata
Venture capital: Investment strategies, structures, and policies, 131-150, 2010
A gendered view of risk taking in venture philanthropy
M Scarlata, L Alemany, A Zacharakis
Journal of Social Entrepreneurship 15 (1), 100-118, 2024
Philanthropic Venture Capital from a Global Perspective: Definition and Investment Strategy
L Scarlata, M.R., & Alemany
The Oxford Handbook of Venture Capital, 2012
Inside the philanthropic venture capital investment model: An exploratory comparative study
MRG Scarlata
Universitat Ramon Llull, 2010
How the Gender Balance of Investment Teams Shapes the Risks They Take
AZ Luisa Alemany, Mariarosa Scarlata
Harvard Business Review, 2020
Capital Riesgo Filantrópico: Apoyo Financiero a los Emprendedores Sociales
L Scarlata, M.R., & Alemany
Harvard Deusto Business Review 183, 71-79, 2009
How do accelerators emerge and develop in entrepreneurial universities?
M Masucci, R Camerani, N Corrocher, M Scarlata
Technovation 136, 103053, 2024
Comparing founders’ specific human capital in traditional versus philanthropic venture capital firms
J Walske, M Scarlata, A Zacharakis
Research Handbook of Finance and Sustainability, 287-303, 2018
Microfinance institutions as social entrepreneurs: when do they fulfill a social mission?
M Scarlata, J Kimmitt, D Dimov
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 33 (18), 1, 2013
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Articles 1–20