Mutaz M. Al-Debei
Cited by
Cited by
Metaverse beyond the hype: Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy
YK Dwivedi, L Hughes, AM Baabdullah, S Ribeiro-Navarrete, ...
International journal of information management 66, 102542, 2022
Developing a unified framework of the business model concept
MM Al-Debei, D Avison
European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) 19 (3), 359-376, 2010
Consumer attitudes towards online shopping: The effects of trust, perceived benefits, and perceived web quality
MM Al-Debei, MN Akroush, MI Ashouri
Internet Research 25 (5), 707-733, 2015
The imperative of influencing citizen attitude toward e-government adoption and use
O Al-Hujran, MM Al-Debei, A Chatfield, M Migdadi
Computers in human Behavior 53, 189-203, 2015
Why people keep coming back to Facebook: Explaining and predicting continuance participation from an extended theory of planned behaviour perspective
MM Al-Debei, E Al-Lozi, A Papazafeiropoulou
Decision Support Systems 55 (1), 43-54, 2013
Defining the business model in the new world of digital business
MM Al-Debei, R El-Haddadeh, D Avison
AMCIS - Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2008
An integrated model of factors affecting consumer attitudes towards online shopping
MN Akroush, MM Al-Debei
Business Process Management Journal 21 (6), 1353-1376, 2015
Explaining and predicting the adoption intention of mobile data services: A value-based approach
MM Al-Debei, E Al-Lozi
Computers in Human Behavior 35, 326-338, 2014
Social Acceptance of Location-Based Mobile Government Services for Emergency Management
A Aloudat, K Michael, X Chen, MM Al-Debei
Telematics and Informatics 31 (1), 153-171, 2014
Challenges of cloud computing adoption from the TOE framework perspective
O Al-Hujran, EM Al-Lozi, MM Al-Debei, M Maqableh
International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR) 14 (3), 77-94, 2018
E-commerce in high uncertainty avoidance cultures: The driving forces of repurchase and word-of-mouth intentions
AS Al-Adwan, MM Al-Debei, YK Dwivedi
Technology in Society 71, 102083, 2022
Measuring web portals success: a respecification and validation of the DeLone and McLean information systems success model
MM Al-Debei, D Jalal, E Al-Lozi
International Journal of Business Information Systems 14 (1), 96-133, 2013
Measuring web portals success: a respecification and validation of the DeLone and McLean information systems success model
MM Al-Debei, D Jalal, E Al-Lozi
International Journal of Business Information Systems 14 (1), 96-133, 2013
Measuring web portals success: a respecification and validation of the DeLone and McLean information systems success model
MM Al-Debei, D Jalal, E Al-Lozi
International Journal of Business Information Systems 14 (1), 96-133, 2013
An empirical study on data warehouse systems effectiveness: the case of Jordanian banks in the business intelligence era
A Al-Okaily, M Al-Okaily, AP Teoh, MM Al-Debei
EuroMed Journal of Business 18 (4), 489-510, 2022
A business model perspective for ICTs in public engagement
P Panagiotopoulos, MM Al-Debei, G Fitzgerald, T Elliman
Government Information Quarterly 29 (2), 192-202, 2012
“Get Ready to Mobile Learning”: Examining Factors Affecting College Students' Behavioral Intentions to Use M-Learning in Saudi Arabia
O Al-Hujran, E Al-Lozi, MM Al-Debei
Jordan Journal of Business Administration 10 (1), 111-128, 2014
The influence of digital entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial orientation on intention of family businesses to adopt artificial intelligence: examining the mediating role of …
N Upadhyay, S Upadhyay, MM Al-Debei, AM Baabdullah, YK Dwivedi
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 29 (1), 80-115, 2023
The quality and acceptance of websites: an empirical investigation in the context of higher education
MM Al-Debei
International Journal of Business Information Systems 15 (2), 170-188, 2014
Data warehouse as a backbone for business intelligence: Issues and challenges
MM Al-Debei
European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences 33 (1 …, 2011
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Articles 1–20