Ann-Margaret Esnard
Cited by
Cited by
Population displacement and housing dilemmas due to catastrophic disasters
JN Levine, AM Esnard, A Sapat
Journal of planning literature 22 (1), 3-15, 2007
Socioeconomic vulnerability and electric power restoration timelines in Florida: the case of Hurricane Irma
D Mitsova, AM Esnard, A Sapat, BS Lai
Natural Hazards 94, 689-709, 2018
Posttraumatic stress symptom trajectories among children after disaster exposure: A review
BS Lai, R Lewis, MS Livings, AM La Greca, AM Esnard
Journal of Traumatic Stress 30 (6), 571-582, 2017
Displaced by disaster: Recovery and resilience in a globalizing world
AM Esnard, A Sapat
Routledge, 2014
An integrated multi-criteria scenario evaluation web tool for participatory land-use planning in urbanized areas: The Ecosystem Portfolio Model
WB Labiosa, WM Forney, AM Esnard, D Mitsova-Boneva, R Bernknopf, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 41, 210-222, 2013
An index of relative displacement risk to hurricanes
AM Esnard, A Sapat, D Mitsova
Natural hazards 59, 833-859, 2011
The effects of infrastructure service disruptions and socio-economic vulnerability on hurricane recovery
D Mitsova, M Escaleras, A Sapat, AM Esnard, AJ Lamadrid
Sustainability 11 (2), 516, 2019
Understanding collaboration in disaster assistance networks: Organizational homophily or resource dependency?
A Sapat, AM Esnard, A Kolpakov
The American Review of Public Administration 49 (8), 957-972, 2019
Schools and disasters: Safety and mental health assessment and interventions for children
BS Lai, AM Esnard, SR Lowe, L Peek
Current psychiatry reports 18, 1-9, 2016
Hurricane events, population displacement, and sheltering provision in the United States
CM Mitchell, AM Esnard, A Sapat
Natural Hazards Review 13 (2), 150-161, 2012
Policy learning and policy change: Katrina, Ike and post-disaster housing
A Sapat, Y Li, C Mitchell, AM Esnard
International Journal of Mass Emergencies & Disasters 29 (1), 26-56, 2011
Displacement and disaster recovery: Transnational governance and socio‐legal issues following the 2010 Haiti earthquake
A Sapat, AM Esnard
Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 3 (1), 1-24, 2012
School vulnerability to disaster: examination of school closure, demographic, and exposure factors in Hurricane Ike’s wind swath
AM Esnard, BS Lai, C Wyczalkowski, N Malmin, HJ Shah
Natural Hazards 90, 513-535, 2018
Trauma-informed schools: Child disaster exposure, community violence and somatic symptoms
BS Lai, MC Osborne, NH Lee, S Self-Brown, AM Esnard, ML Kelley
Journal of affective disorders 238, 586-592, 2018
Using enhanced dasymetric mapping techniques to improve the spatial accuracy of sea level rise vulnerability assessments
D Mitsova, AM Esnard, Y Li
Journal of Coastal Conservation 16, 355-372, 2012
Coming home after disaster: Multiple dimensions of housing recovery
A Sapat, AM Esnard
Routledge, 2016
Trajectories of school recovery after a natural disaster: Risk and protective factors
BS Lai, AM Esnard, C Wyczalkowski, R Savage, H Shah
Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 10 (1), 32-51, 2019
Closing gaps in local housing recovery planning for disadvantaged displaced households
MG Welsh, AM Esnard
Cityscape, 195-212, 2009
Environmental justice, GIS, and pedagogy
AM Esnard, M Gelobter, X Morales
Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and …, 2001
Integrating qualitative data analysis software into doctoral public administration education
A Sapat, L Schwartz, AM Esnard, E Sewordor
Journal of Public Affairs Education 23 (4), 959-978, 2017
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Articles 1–20