Pornchai Phukpattaranont
Pornchai Phukpattaranont
Assoc. Prof. of Electrical Engineering, Prince of Songkla University
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Feature reduction and selection for EMG signal classification
A Phinyomark, P Phukpattaranont, C Limsakul
Expert systems with applications 39 (8), 7420-7431, 2012
A novel feature extraction for robust EMG pattern recognition
A Phinyomark, C Limsakul, P Phukpattaranont
arXiv preprint arXiv:0912.3973, 2009
The usefulness of mean and median frequencies in electromyography analysis
A Phinyomark, S Thongpanja, H Hu, P Phukpattaranont, C Limsakul
Computational intelligence in electromyography analysis-A perspective on …, 2012
Application of wavelet analysis in EMG feature extraction for pattern classification
A Phinyomark, C Limsakul, P Phukpattaranont
Measurement Science Review 11 (2), 45-52, 2011
Feature extraction and reduction of wavelet transform coefficients for EMG pattern classification
A Phinyomark, A Nuidod, P Phukpattaranont, C Limsakul
Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika 122 (6), 27-32, 2012
A self-calibration water level measurement using an interdigital capacitive sensor
K Chetpattananondh, T Tapoanoi, P Phukpattaranont, N Jindapetch
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 209, 175-182, 2014
Evaluation of EMG feature extraction for hand movement recognition based on Euclidean distance and standard deviation
A Phinyomark, S Hirunviriya, C Limsakul, P Phukpattaranont
ECTI-CON2010: The 2010 ECTI International Confernce on Electrical …, 2010
Mean and median frequency of EMG signal to determine muscle force based on time-dependent power spectrum
S Thongpanja, A Phinyomark, P Phukpattaranont, C Limsakul
Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika 19 (3), 51-56, 2013
Site selection for large wind turbine using GIS
A Bennui, P Rattanamanee, U Puetpaiboon, P Phukpattaranont, ...
PSU-UNS international conference on engineering and environment, 561-566, 2007
QRS detection algorithm based on the quadratic filter
P Phukpattaranont
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (11), 4867-4877, 2015
An optimal wavelet function based on wavelet denoising for multifunction myoelectric control
A Phinyomark, C Limsakul, P Phukpattaranont
2009 6th international conference on electrical engineering/electronics …, 2009
Fractal analysis features for weak and single-channel upper-limb EMG signals
A Phinyomark, P Phukpattaranont, C Limsakul
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (12), 11156-11163, 2012
Application of linear discriminant analysis in dimensionality reduction for hand motion classification
A Phinyomark, H Hu, P Phukpattaranont, C Limsakul
Measurement Science Review 12 (3), 82-89, 2012
Post-beamforming second-order volterra filter for pulse-echo ultrasonic imaging
P Phukpattaranont, ES Ebbini
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 50 …, 2003
Red blood cells extraction and counting
J Poomcokrak, C Neatpisarnvanit
The 3rd international symposium on biomedical engineering, 199-203, 2008
Probability density functions of stationary surface EMG signals in noisy environments
S Thongpanja, A Phinyomark, F Quaine, Y Laurillau, C Limsakul, ...
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 65 (7), 1547-1557, 2016
A review of control methods for electric power wheelchairs based on electromyography signals with special emphasis on pattern recognition
A Phinyomark, P Phukpattaranont, C Limsakul
IETE Technical Review 28 (4), 316-326, 2011
Ultrasound imaging system and method using non-linear post-beamforming filter
ES Ebbini, P Phukpattaranont
US Patent 6,951,540, 2005
A comparative study of wavelet denoising for multifunction myoelectric control
A Phinyomark, C Limsakul, P Phukpattaranont
2009 international conference on computer and automation engineering, 21-25, 2009
Evaluation of feature extraction techniques and classifiers for finger movement recognition using surface electromyography signal
P Phukpattaranont, S Thongpanja, K Anam, A Al-Jumaily, C Limsakul
Medical & biological engineering & computing 56, 2259-2271, 2018
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Articles 1–20