Gerhard Hammerschmid
Cited by
Cited by
Changing institutional logics and executive identities: A managerial challenge to public administration in Austria
RE Meyer, G Hammerschmid
American behavioral scientist 49 (7), 1000-1014, 2006
Of Bureaucrats and Passionate Public Managers: Institutional Logics, Executive Identities, and Public Service Motivation
R Meyer, I Egger-Peitler, M Höllerer, G Hammerschmid
Public Administration, 26pp., 2012
Review Essay: The Impact of the New Public Management: Challenges for Coordination and Cohesion in European Public Sectors
G Hammerschmid, S Van de Walle
Halduskultuur-Administrative Culture, 190, 2011
Public Administration Reforms in Europe: The View from the Top
G Hammerschmid, S van de Walle, R Andres, P Bezes
Edward Elgar, 2016
Public Management Reform as an Identity Project
R Meyer, G Hammerschmid
Public Sector Reform, 2014
Public Management Reform: An Identity Project
R Meyer, G Hammerschmid
Public Policy and Administration 21 (1), 99-115, 2006
A comparative overview of public administration characteristics and performance in EU28
N Thijs, G Hammerschmid, E Palaric
European Commission, Brussels, 2017
The degree of decentralization and individual decision making in central government human resource management: A European comparative perspective
RE Meyer, G Hammerschmid
Public Administration 88 (2), 455-478, 2010
New Public Management reforms in Europe and their effects: findings from a 20-country top executive survey
G Hammerschmid, S Van de Walle, A Rhys, AMS Mostafa
International Review of Administrative Sciences, 2018
New public management in Austria: Local Variation on a Global Theme?
G Hammerschmid, RE Meyer
Public Administration 83 (3), 709-733, 2005
Internal and external use of performance information in public organizations: results from an international survey
G Hammerschmid, S Van de Walle, V Stimac
Public Money & Management 33 (4), 261-268, 2013
Mikroperspektive. Die Rolle der Akteure
R Meyer, G Hammerschmid
Senge, K./Hellmann, K.-U.(Hg.): Einführung in den Neo-Institutionalismus …, 2006
Theorizing contemporary public management: international and comparative perspectives
R Ashworth, E Ferlie, G Hammerschmid, MJ Moon, T Reay
British Journal of Management 24, S1-S17, 2013
More delegation, more political control? Politicization of senior-level appointments in 18 European countries
T Bach, G Hammerschmid, L Löffler
Public Policy and Administration 35 (1), 3-23, 2020
Institutions or contingencies? A cross‐country analysis of management tool use by public sector executives
B George, S Van de Walle, G Hammerschmid
Public Administration Review 79 (3), 330-342, 2019
Contextualizing influence activities: An objective hermeneutical approach
M Lueger, K Sandner, R Meyer, G Hammerschmid
Organization Studies 26 (8), 1145-1168, 2005
Das Konzept der Public Service Motivation
G Hammerschmid, R Meyer, I Egger-Peitler
Handbuch zur Verwaltungsreform, 349-356, 2010
Administrative tradition and management reforms: A comparison of agency chief executive accountability in four Continental Rechtsstaat countries
T Bach, S van Thiel, G Hammerschmid, R Steiner
Public Management Review 19 (6), 765-784, 2017
Decentralisation and accountability as focus of public administration modernisation
C Demmke, G Hammerschmid, R Meyer
EIPA. Wien, Austrian Federal Chancellery, 2006
COCOPS executive survey on public sector reform in Europe: Research report
G Hammerschmid, A Oprisor, V Štimac
COCOPS Work Package 3, 2013
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Articles 1–20