Timu Gallien
Timu Gallien
Civil and Environmental Engineering UCLA
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Extreme oceanographic forcing and coastal response due to the 2015–2016 El Niņo
PL Barnard, D Hoover, DM Hubbard, A Snyder, BC Ludka, J Allan, ...
Nature Communications 8 (1), 14365, 2017
Urban coastal flood prediction: Integrating wave overtopping, flood defenses and drainage
TW Gallien, BF Sanders, RE Flick
Coastal Engineering 91, 18-28, 2014
Predicting tidal flooding of urbanized embayments: A modeling framework and data requirements
TW Gallien, JE Schubert, BF Sanders
Coastal Engineering 58 (6), 567-577, 2011
Validated coastal flood modeling at Imperial Beach, California: Comparing total water level, empirical and numerical overtopping methodologies
TW Gallien
Coastal Engineering 111, 95-104, 2016
Coastal flood modeling challenges in defended urban backshores
TW Gallien, N Kalligeris, MPC Delisle, BX Tang, JTD Lucey, MA Winters
Geosciences 8 (12), 450, 2018
Calibration and assessment of process-based numerical models for beach profile evolution in southern California
N Kalligeris, PB Smit, BC Ludka, RT Guza, TW Gallien
Coastal Engineering 158, 103650, 2020
An early warning system for wave-driven coastal flooding at Imperial Beach, CA
MA Merrifield, M Johnson, RT Guza, JW Fiedler, AP Young, ...
Natural hazards 108, 2591-2612, 2021
Southern California coastal response to the 2015–2016 El Niņo
AP Young, RE Flick, TW Gallien, SN Giddings, RT Guza, M Harvey, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 123 (11), 3069-3083, 2018
Mid‐El Niņo erosion at nourished and unnourished Southern California beaches
BC Ludka, TW Gallien, SC Crosby, RT Guza
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (9), 4510-4516, 2016
A parcel-scale coastal flood forecasting prototype for a Southern California urbanized embayment
TW Gallien, PL Barnard, M van Ormondt, AC Foxgrover, BF Sanders
Journal of Coastal Research 29 (3), 642-656, 2013
Terrestrial laser scanning of anthropogenic beach berm erosion and overtopping
JE Schubert, TW Gallien, MS Majd, BF Sanders
Journal of Coastal Research 31 (1), 47-60, 2015
Geometric properties of anthropogenic flood control berms on southern California beaches
TW Gallien, WC O'reilly, RE Flick, RT Guza
Ocean & Coastal Management 105, 35-47, 2015
Ground deformation data from GEER investigations of Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
SJ Brandenberg, JP Stewart, P Wang, CC Nweke, K Hudson, CA Goulet, ...
Seismological Research Letters 91 (4), 2024-2034, 2020
Effects of elevated sea levels and waves on southern California estuaries during the 2015–2016 El Niņo
ME Harvey, SN Giddings, ED Stein, JA Crooks, C Whitcraft, T Gallien, ...
Estuaries and Coasts 43, 256-271, 2020
Characterizing multivariate coastal flooding events in a semi-arid region: the implications of copula choice, sampling, and infrastructure
JTD Lucey, TW Gallien
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 22 (6), 2145-2167, 2022
Observations and preliminary vulnerability assessment of a hybrid dune-based living shoreline
MA Winters, B Leslie, EB Sloane, TW Gallien
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8 (11), 920, 2020
An analytical and numerical study of a vertically discretized multi-paddle wavemaker for generating free surface and internal waves
Y Kim, S Son, T Jung, T Gallien
Coastal Engineering 165, 103840, 2021
Polymeric structures and methods for producing and monitoring polymeric structures
G Krutz, K Harmeyer, M Holland, TW Gallien
US Patent 7,977,952, 2011
A Numerical Study of Dam‐Break Driven Swash and Beach Groundwater Interactions
MPC Delisle, Y Kim, TW Gallien
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 128 (9), e2022JC019615, 2023
Numerical investigation of sheet flow driven by a near-breaking transient wave using SedFoam
MPC Delisle, Y Kim, RS Mieras, TW Gallien
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 96, 51-64, 2022
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Articles 1–20