Viresh Patel
Viresh Patel
Assistant Professor, Mathematics, University of Amsterdam
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Cited by
Deterministic polynomial-time approximation algorithms for partition functions and graph polynomials
V Patel, G Regts
SIAM Journal on Computing 46 (6), 1893-1919, 2017
Reconfiguration graphs for vertex colourings of chordal and chordal bipartite graphs
M Bonamy, M Johnson, I Lignos, V Patel, D Paulusma
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 27 (1), 132-143, 2014
Finding shortest paths between graph colourings
M Johnson, D Kratsch, S Kratsch, V Patel, D Paulusma
Parameterized and Exact Computation, 221-233, 2014
On Toughness and Hamiltonicity of 2K2‐Free Graphs
H Broersma, V Patel, A Pyatkin
Journal of graph theory 75 (3), 244-255, 2014
Mixing of the Glauber dynamics for the ferromagnetic Potts model
M Bordewich, C Greenhill, V Patel
Random Structures & Algorithms, 2014
Proof of a conjecture of Thomassen on Hamilton cycles in highly connected tournaments
D Kühn, J Lapinskas, D Osthus, V Patel
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 109 (3), 733-762, 2014
Tight complexity bounds for FPT subgraph problems parameterized by the clique-width
H Broersma, PA Golovach, V Patel
Theoretical computer science 485, 69-84, 2013
Tight complexity bounds for FPT subgraph problems parameterized by clique-width
H Broersma, PA Golovach, V Patel
Parameterized and Exact Computation, 207-218, 2012
Tight inequalities among set hitting times in Markov chains
S Griffiths, R Kang, R Oliveira, V Patel
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 142 (9), 3285-3298, 2014
On the diameter of reconfiguration graphs for vertex colourings
M Bonamy, M Johnson, I Lignos, V Patel, D Paulusma
EuroComb'11: European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and …, 2011
On the diameter of reconfiguration graphs for vertex colourings
M Bonamy, M Johnson, I Lignos, V Patel, D Paulusma
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 38, 161-166, 2011
Poset limits can be totally ordered
J Hladký, A Máthé, V Patel, O Pikhurko
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 367 (6), 4319-4337, 2015
On zero-free regions for the anti-ferromagnetic Potts model on bounded-degree graphs
F Bencs, E Davies, V Patel, G Regts
arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.07532, 2018
Statistical physics approaches to Unique Games
M Coulson, E Davies, A Kolla, V Patel, G Regts
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.01504, 2019
Determining edge expansion and other connectivity measures of graphs of bounded genus
V Patel
SIAM Journal on Computing 42 (3), 1113-1131, 2013
The complexity of finding uniform sparsest cuts in various graph classes
P Bonsma, H Broersma, V Patel, A Pyatkin
Journal of Discrete Algorithms 14, 136-149, 2012
Computing the number of induced copies of a fixed graph in a bounded degree graph
V Patel, G Regts
Algorithmica 81 (5), 1844-1858, 2019
Parameterized traveling salesman problem: Beating the average
G Gutin, V Patel
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 30 (1), 220-238, 2016
Unions of perfect matchings in cubic graphs and implications of the Berge-Fulkerson Conjecture
V Patel
CDAM Research Report LSE-CDAM-2006-06, 2006
Decomposing tournaments into paths
A Lo, V Patel, J Skokan, J Talbot
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 121 (2), 426-461, 2020
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Articles 1–20