Natalie Mizik
Natalie Mizik
J. Gary Shansby Professor of Marketing, University of Washington Foster School of Business
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Cited by
Trading off between value creation and value appropriation: The financial implications of shifts in strategic emphasis
N Mizik, R Jacobson
Journal of marketing 67 (1), 63-76, 2003
Managing for the moment: The role of earnings management via real activities versus accruals in SEO valuation
SP Kothari, N Mizik, S Roychowdhury
The accounting review 91 (2), 559-586, 2016
The financial value impact of perceptual brand attributes
N Mizik, R Jacobson
Journal of Marketing Research 45 (1), 15-32, 2008
The theory and practice of myopic management
N Mizik
Journal of Marketing Research 47 (4), 594-611, 2010
Myopic marketing management: Evidence of the phenomenon and its long-term performance consequences in the SEO context
N Mizik, R Jacobson
Marketing Science 26 (3), 361-379, 2007
Are physicians “easy marks”? Quantifying the effects of detailing and sampling on new prescriptions
N Mizik, R Jacobson
Management Science 50 (12), 1704-1715, 2004
Visual listening in: Extracting brand image portrayed on social media
L Liu, D Dzyabura, N Mizik
Marketing Science 39 (4), 669-686, 2020
Valuing branded businesses
N Mizik, R Jacobson
Journal of Marketing 73 (6), 137-153, 2009
Managing for the moment: The role of real activity versus accruals earnings management in SEO valuation
SP Kothari, N Mizik, S Roychowdhury
Available at SSRN 1982826, 2012
Assessing the total financial performance impact of brand equity with limited time-series data
N Mizik
Journal of Marketing Research 51 (6), 691-706, 2014
The financial markets and customer satisfaction: Reexamining possible financial market mispricing of customer satisfaction
R Jacobson, N Mizik
Marketing Science 28 (5), 810-819, 2009
Understanding firm, physician and consumer choice behavior in the pharmaceutical industry
P Manchanda, DR Wittink, A Ching, P Cleanthous, M Ding, XJ Dong, ...
Marketing Letters 16, 293-308, 2005
Modeling marketing dynamics by time series econometrics
K Pauwels, I Currim, MG Dekimpe, DM Hanssens, N Mizik, E Ghysels, ...
Marketing Letters 15, 167-183, 2004
Firm innovation and the ratchet effect among consumer packaged goods firms
C Moorman, S Wies, N Mizik, FJ Spencer
Marketing Science 31 (6), 934-951, 2012
Earnings inflation through accruals and real activity manipulation: Its prevalence at the time of an SEO and the financial market consequences
N Mizik, R Jacobson
Available at SSRN 1031006, 2007
Stock return response modeling
N Mizik, R Jacobson
Assessing marketing strategy performance, 29-46, 2004
Financial markets research in marketing
N Mizik, R Jacobson
Journal of Marketing Research 46 (3), 320-324, 2009
Commentaries and rejoinder to" marketing and firm value: metrics, methods, findings, and future directions"
MD Kimbrough, L McAlister, N Mizik, R Jacobson, MJ Garmaise, ...
Journal of Marketing Research 46 (3), 313-329, 2009
Accounting for marketing activities: Implications for marketing research and practice
N Mizik, D Nissim
Available at SSRN 1768382, 2011
Talk about brand strategy
N Mizik, R Jacobson
Harvard Business Review 83 (10), 24-+, 2005
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Articles 1–20