Martin Fochmann
Martin Fochmann
Freie Universität Berlin, University of Cologne
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The effects of rewards on tax compliance decisions
M Fochmann, EB Kroll
Journal of Economic Psychology 52, 38-55, 2016
The Effects of Tax Salience and Tax Experience on Individual Work Efforts in a Framed Field Experiment
M Fochmann, J Weimann
FinanzArchiv/Public Finance Analysis, 0
Investment Behavior and the Biased Perception of Limited Loss Deduction in Income Taxation
M Fochman, D Kiesewetter, A Sadrieh
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 81 (1), 230-242, 2012
Net Wage Illusion in a Real Effort Experiment
M Fochmann, J Weimann, K Blaufus, J Hundsdoerfer, D Kiesewetter
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 0
Framing and salience effects in tax evasion decisions–An experiment on underreporting and overdeducting
M Fochmann, N Wolf
Journal of Economic Psychology 72, 260-277, 2019
Tax policy measures to combat the sars-cov-2 pandemic and considerations to improve tax compliance: a behavioral perspective
J Alm, K Blaufus, M Fochmann, E Kirchler, P Mohr, NE Olson, B Torgler
WU International Taxation Research Paper Series, 2020
Biased effects of taxes and subsidies on portfolio choices
H Ackermann, M Fochmann, B Mihm
Economics Letters 120 (1), 23-26, 2013
Tax Perception - an empirical survey
M Fochmann, D Kiesewetter, K Blaufus, J Hundsdoerfer, J Weimann
arqus Discussion Papers in Quantitative Tax Research, 2010
Less cheating? The effects of prefilled forms on compliance behavior
M Fochmann, N Müller, M Overesch
Journal of Economic Psychology 83, 102365, 2021
Income taxes and risky investment decisions: An experiment on behavioral tax biases
M Fochmann, K Hemmerich
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE)/Zeitschrift für …, 2018
Intrinsic and extrinsic effects on behavioral tax biases in risky investment decisions
M Fochmann, K Hemmerich, D Kiesewetter
Journal of Economic Psychology 56, 218-231, 2016
Dishonesty and risk-taking: Compliance decisions of individuals and groups
M Fochmann, N Fochmann, MG Kocher, N Müller
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 185, 250-286, 2021
The Biased Effect of Aggregated and Disaggregated Income Taxation on Investment Decisions
M Fochman, D Kiesewetter, A Sadrieh
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 0
The effect of straight-line and accelerated depreciation rules on risky investment decisions—An experimental study
H Ackermann, M Fochmann, N Wolf
International Journal of Financial Studies 4 (4), 19, 2016
The two sides of public debt: Intergenerational altruism and burden shifting
M Fochmann, F Sachs, A Sadrieh, J Weimann
PLoS One 13 (8), e0202963, 2018
Affective reactions influence investment decisions: Evidence from a laboratory experiment with taxation
K Schüßler, J Hewig, D Kiesewetter, M Fochmann
arqus Discussion Paper, 2014
When happy people make society unhappy: How incidental emotions affect compliance behavior
M Fochmann, F Hechtner, E Kirchler, PNC Mohr
arqus Discussion Paper, 2019
A utility-based explanation of tax asymmetries
M Fochmann, M Jacob
World Tax J., 1, 2015
Steueraversion: Sind wir wirklich bereit auf Einkommen zu verzichten, nur um Steuern zu sparen?
M Fochmann, A Kleinstück
Working Paper Series, 2012
Modellierung von Aktienanlagen bei laufenden Umschichtungen und einer Besteuerung von Veräußerungsgewinnen
M Fochmann, D Rumpf
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 80 (9), 945-968, 2010
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Articles 1–20