Lorne Olfman
Lorne Olfman
Emeritus Professor of Information Systems and Technology, Claremont Graduate University
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ cgu.edu
The influence of on-line brand community characteristics on community commitment and brand loyalty
H Jang, L Olfman, I Ko, J Koh, K Kim
International journal of electronic commerce 12 (3), 57-80, 2008
Assessing knowledge management success
M Jennex, L Olfman
International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM) 1 (2), 33-49, 2005
The importance of learning style in end-user training
RP Bostrom, L Olfman, MK Sein
Mis Quarterly, 101-119, 1990
A model of knowledge management success
ME Jennex, L Olfman
International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM) 2 (3), 51-68, 2006
Designing knowledge management systems for teaching and learning with wiki technology
M Raman, T Ryan, L Olfman
Journal of information systems education 16 (3), 311, 2005
Organizational memory/knowledge effects on productivity, a longitudinal study
ME Jennex, L Olfman
Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2002
Leveraging a personalized system to improve self-directed learning in online educational environments
R Kim, L Olfman, T Ryan, E Eryilmaz
Computers & Education 70, 150-160, 2014
What do groups need? A proposed set of generic groupware requirements
M Mandviwalla, L Olfman
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 1 (3), 245-268, 1994
End-user training and learning
D Compeau, L Olfman, M Sein, J Webster
Communications of the ACM 38 (7), 24-26, 1995
Knowledge sharing through inter-organizational knowledge sharing systems
KA Al-Busaidi, L Olfman
VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems 47 (1), 110-136, 2017
Rethinking end-user training strategy: Applying a hierarchical knowledge-level model
M Sein, RP Bostrom, L Olfman
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) 11 (1), 32-39, 1999
Conceptual versus procedural software training for graphical user interfaces: A longitudinal field experiment
L Olfman, M Mandviwalla
Mis Quarterly, 405-426, 1994
Training end users to compute: cognitive, motivational and social issues
M Sein, R Bostrom, L Olfman
INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research 25 (3), 236-255, 1987
A knowledge management success model: An extension of DeLone and McLean's IS success model
M Jennex, L Olfman
AMCIS 2003 Proceedings, 330, 2003
Visualization ability as a predictor of user learning success
MK Sein, L Olfman, RP Bostrom, SA Davis
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 39 (4), 599-620, 1993
What every business student needs to know about information systems
B Ives, JS Valacich, RT Watson, RW Zmud, M Alavi, R Baskerville, ...
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 9 (1), 30, 2002
An investigation of the determinants of knowledge management systems success in Omani organizations
K Ali Al-Busaidi, L Olfman
Journal of Global Information Technology Management 8 (3), 6-27, 2005
End‐user software training: an experimental comparison of methods to enhance motivation
L Olfman, RP Bostrom
Information Systems Journal 1 (4), 249-266, 1991
User interface consistency across end-user applications: the effects on mental models
JW Satzinger, L Olfman
Journal of Management Information Systems 14 (4), 167-193, 1998
An organizational memory information systems success model: an extension of DeLone and McLean's I/S success model
M Jennex, L Olfman, P Panthawi, YT Park
Proceedings of the Thirty-First Hawaii International Conference on System …, 1998
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