T. Alexandra Beauregard
T. Alexandra Beauregard
Professor of Organizational Psychology, Birkbeck (University of London); Oslo New University College
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Making the link between work-life balance practices and organizational performance
TA Beauregard, LC Henry
Human resource management review 19 (1), 9-22, 2009
Work–life, diversity and intersectionality: A critical review and research agenda
MF Özbilgin, TA Beauregard, A Tatli, MP Bell
International Journal of Management Reviews 13 (2), 177-198, 2011
Voice, silence, and diversity in 21st century organizations: Strategies for inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender employees
MP Bell, MF Özbilgin, TA Beauregard, O Sürgevil
Human resource management 50 (1), 131-146, 2011
Telework: Outcomes and facilitators for employees.
E Beauregard, T. A., Basile, K. A., & Canónico
The Cambridge handbook of technology and employee behavior, 511-543, 2019
Perfectionism, self‐efficacy and OCB: The moderating role of gender
T Alexandra Beauregard
Personnel Review 41 (5), 590-608, 2012
Strategies for successful telework: How effective employees manage work/home boundaries
KA Basile, TA Beauregard
Strategic HR review 15 (3), 106-111, 2016
Listen carefully: transgender voices in the workplace
T Alexandra Beauregard, L Arevshatian, JE Booth, S Whittle
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 29 (5), 857-884, 2018
Direct and indirect links between organizational work–home culture and employee well‐being
TA Beauregard
British Journal of Management 22 (2), 218-237, 2011
Predicting interference between work and home: A comparison of dispositional and situational antecedents
T Alexandra Beauregard
Journal of managerial Psychology 21 (3), 244-264, 2006
Exploring the impact of COVID‐19 on employees’ boundary management and work–life balance
TA Adisa, E Antonacopoulou, TA Beauregard, M Dickmann, OD Adekoya
British Journal of Management 33 (4), 1694-1709, 2022
Fairness Perceptions of Work−Life Balance Initiatives: Effects on Counterproductive Work Behaviour
TA Beauregard
British Journal of Management 25 (4), 772-789, 2014
The meanings of work-life balance: A cultural perspective
S Lewis, TA Beauregard
The Cambridge Handbook of the Global Work-Family Interface, 720-732, 2018
Family influences on the career life cycle
TA Beauregard
Career choice in management and entrepreneurship: A research companion, 101-126, 2007
The impact of global economic crisis and austerity on quality of working life and work‐life balance: A capabilities perspective
U Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, R Prouska, T Alexandra Beauregard
European Management Review 16 (4), 847-862, 2019
Home is where the work is: A new study of homeworking in Acas - and beyond
TA Beauregard, KA Basile, E Canonico
Acas research paper 10/13, 2013
Revisiting the social construction of family in the context of work
T Alexandra Beauregard, M Ozbilgin, MP Bell
Journal of Managerial Psychology 24 (1), 46-65, 2009
Are organizations shooting themselves in the foot? Workplace contributors to family‐to‐work conflict
TA Beauregard
Equal opportunities international 25 (5), 336-353, 2006
Contextualising intersectionality: A qualitative study of East Asian female migrant workers in the UK
S Hwang, TA Beauregard
Human Relations 75 (4), 609-634, 2022
Corporate work-life balance initiatives: Use and effectiveness
TA Beauregard
Creating balance? International perspectives on the work-life integration of …, 2010
New ways of working and the implications for employees: a systematic framework and suggestions for future research
K Alfes, A Avgoustaki, TA Beauregard, A Cañibano, ...
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 33 (22), 4361-4385, 2022
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Articles 1–20