Justin Michael Stritch
Cited by
Cited by
International comparison of public and private employees’ work motives, attitudes, and perceived rewards
JB Bullock, JM Stritch, HG Rainey
Public Administration Review 75 (3), 479-489, 2015
Family-Friendly Policies, Gender, and Work–Life Balance in the Public Sector
MK Feeney, JM Stritch
Review of Public Personnel Administration 39 (3), 422-448, 2019
The opportunities and limitations of using Mechanical Turk (Mturk) in public administration and management scholarship
JM Stritch, MJ Pedersen, G Taggart
International Public Management Journal 20 (3), 489-511, 2017
Goal clarity, task significance, and performance: Evidence from a laboratory experiment
DM Anderson, JM Stritch
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 26 (2), 211-225, 2016
Punishment on the Frontlines of Public Service Delivery: Client Ethnicity and Caseworker Sanctioning Decisions in a Scandinavian Welfare State
MJ Pedersen, JM Stritch, F Thuesen
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2018
Going Green in Public Organizations: Linking Organizational Commitment and Public Service Motives to Public Employees’ Workplace Eco-Initiatives
JM Stritch, RK Christensen
The American Review of Public Administration, 2016
Public service motivation, task, and non-task behavior: A performance appraisal experiment with Korean MPA and MBA students
RK Christensen, SW Whiting, T Im, E Rho, JM Stritch, J Park
International Public Management Journal 16 (1), 28-52, 2013
Minding the time: A critical look at longitudinal design and data analysis in quantitative public management research
JM Stritch
Review of Public Personnel Administration 37 (2), 219-244, 2017
Raising the next generation of public servants? Parental influence on volunteering behavior and public service career aspirations
JM Stritch, RK Christensen
International Journal of Manpower, 2016
Looking at a job's social impact through PSM‐tinted lenses: Probing the motivation–perception relationship
JM Stritch, RK Christensen
Public Administration 92 (4), 826-842, 2014
Sustainability policy objectives, centralized decision making, and efficiency in public procurement processes in US local governments
JM Stritch, S Bretschneider, N Darnall, L Hsueh, Y Chen
Sustainability 12 (17), 6934, 2020
Eco-helping and eco-civic engagement in the public workplace
CC Tsai, JM Stritch, RK Christensen
Public Performance & Management Review 40 (2), 336-360, 2016
E-procurement system adoption in local governments: the role of procurement complexity and organizational structure
Y Chen, S Bretschneider, JM Stritch, N Darnall, L Hsueh
Public Management Review 24 (6), 903-925, 2022
Constrained or creative? Changes in financial condition and entrepreneurial orientation in public organizations
A Singla, JM Stritch, MK Feeney
Public Administration, 2018
Work-family conflict and burnout amid COVID-19: Exploring the mitigating effects of instrumental leadership and social belonging
M Allgood, UT Jensen, JM Stritch
Review of Public Personnel Administration, 0734371X221101308, 2022
Race and Gender Bias in Three Administrative Contexts: Impact on Work Assignments in State Supreme Courts
RK Christensen, J Szmer, JM Stritch
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2012
Citizen perceptions of procedural fairness and the moderating roles of ‘belief in a just world’and ‘public service motivation’in public hiring
MJ Pedersen, JM Stritch, G Taggart
Public Administration 95 (4), 874-894, 2017
RNICE Model: Evaluating the Contribution of Replication Studies in Public Administration and Management Research
MJ Pedersen, JM Stritch
Public Administration Review, 2018
Implementation of sustainable public procurement in local governments: a measurement approach
L Hsueh, S Bretschneider, JM Stritch, N Darnall
International Journal of Public Sector Management 33 (6/7), 697-712, 2020
Identifying Student Traits and Motives to Service-Learn: Public Service Orientation among New College Freshmen.
RK Christensen, JM Stritch, JE Kellough, GA Brewer
Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement 19 (4), 39-62, 2015
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Articles 1–20