Kitiporn Plaimas
Kitiporn Plaimas
AVIC, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculaty of Science, Chulalongkorn University
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Cited by
Identifying essential genes in bacterial metabolic networks with machine learning methods
K Plaimas, R Eils, R König
BMC systems biology 4, 1-16, 2010
Estimating novel potential drug targets of Plasmodium falciparum by analysing the metabolic network of knock-out strains in silico
S Fatumo, K Plaimas, JP Mallm, G Schramm, E Adebiyi, M Oswald, R Eils, ...
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 9 (3), 351-358, 2009
Machine learning based analyses on metabolic networks supports high-throughput knockout screens
K Plaimas, JP Mallm, M Oswald, F Svara, V Sourjik, R Eils, R König
BMC systems biology 2, 1-11, 2008
First episode psychosis and schizophrenia are systemic neuro-immune disorders triggered by a biotic stimulus in individuals with reduced immune regulation and neuroprotection
M Maes, K Plaimas, A Suratanee, C Noto, B Kanchanatawan
Cells 10 (11), 2929, 2021
Adverse childhood experiences and reoccurrence of illness impact the gut microbiome, which affects suicidal behaviours and the phenome of major depression: towards enterotypic …
M Maes, A Vasupanrajit, K Jirakran, P Klomkliew, P Chanchaem, ...
Acta Neuropsychiatrica 35 (6), 328-345, 2023
DDA: A novel network-based scoring method to identify disease-disease associations
A Suratanee, K Plaimas
Bioinformatics and Biology insights 9, BBI. S35237, 2015
Comparing metabolic network models based on genomic and automatically inferred enzyme information from Plasmodium and its human host to define drug targets in silico
S Fatumo, K Plaimas, E Adebiyi, R König
Infection, genetics and evolution 11 (1), 201-208, 2011
Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD)–Gene, molecular and pathway signatures linking systemic inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, transsynaptic signalling, and neurodevelopment
M Gevezova, Y Sbirkov, V Sarafian, K Plaimas, A Suratanee, M Maes
Brain, behavior, & immunity-health 30, 100646, 2023
Photosynthetic responses and identification of salt tolerance genes in a chromosome segment substitution line of ‘Khao dawk Mali 105’rice
P Chutimanukul, B Kositsup, K Plaimas, T Buaboocha, M Siangliw, ...
Environmental and experimental botany 155, 497-508, 2018
Network-based association analysis to infer new disease-gene relationships using large-scale protein interactions
A Suratanee, K Plaimas
PLoS One 13 (6), e0199435, 2018
OsNucleolin1-L Expression in Arabidopsis Enhances Photosynthesis via Transcriptome Modification under Salt Stress Conditions
T Udomchalothorn, K Plaimas, S Sripinyowanich, C Boonchai, T Kojonna, ...
Plant and Cell Physiology 58 (4), 717-734, 2017
Combining genome and gene co-expression network analyses for the identification of genes potentially regulating salt tolerance in rice
P Chutimanukul, TB Saputro, P Mahaprom, K Plaimas, L Comai, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 704549, 2021
Meta-path based gene ontology profiles for predicting drug-disease associations
T Kawichai, A Suratanee, K Plaimas
IEEE Access 9, 41809-41820, 2021
Network diffusion with centrality measures to identify disease-related genes
P Janyasupab, A Suratanee, K Plaimas
Math. Biosci. Eng 18 (3), 2021
In Vitro Effects of Cannabidiol on Activated Immune–Inflammatory Pathways in Major Depressive Patients and Healthy Controls
M Rachayon, K Jirakran, P Sodsai, S Klinchanhom, A Sughondhabirom, ...
Pharmaceuticals 15 (4), 405, 2022
Immunopathogenesis and immunogenetic variants in COVID-19
P Sagulkoo, K Plaimas, A Suratanee, AN Colado Simão, ...
Current pharmaceutical design 28 (22), 1780-1797, 2022
Identification of inflammatory bowel disease-related proteins using a reverse k-nearest neighbor search
A Suratanee, K Plaimas
Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology 12 (04), 1450017, 2014
Prediction of Human-Plasmodium vivax Protein Associations From Heterogeneous Network Structures Based on Machine-Learning Approach
A Suratanee, T Buaboocha, K Plaimas
Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 15, 11779322211013350, 2021
Drought-tolerance gene identification using genome comparison and co-expression network analysis of chromosome substitution lines in rice
C Punchkhon, K Plaimas, T Buaboocha, JL Siangliw, T Toojinda, L Comai, ...
Genes 11 (10), 1197, 2020
Computational and experimental analysis identified 6-diazo-5-oxonorleucine as a potential agent for treating infection by Plasmodium falciparum
K Plaimas, Y Wang, SO Rotimi, G Olasehinde, S Fatumo, M Lanzer, ...
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 20, 389-395, 2013
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Articles 1–20