Aaron Kofner
Aaron Kofner
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Cited by
The effect of light rail transit on body mass index and physical activity
JM MacDonald, RJ Stokes, DA Cohen, A Kofner, GK Ridgeway
American journal of preventive medicine 39 (2), 105-112, 2010
Growth and distribution of child psychiatrists in the United States: 2007–2016
RK McBain, A Kofner, BD Stein, JH Cantor, WB Vogt, H Yu
Pediatrics 144 (6), 2019
How much does “how much” matter? Assessing the relationship between children’s lifetime exposure to violence and trauma symptoms, behavior problems, and parenting stress
LJ Hickman, LH Jaycox, CM Setodji, A Kofner, D Schultz, D Barnes-Proby, ...
Journal of interpersonal violence 28 (6), 1338-1362, 2013
Is Inclusionary Zoning Inclusionary? A Guide for Practitioners. Technical Report.
HL Schwartz, L Ecola, KJ Leuschner, A Kofner
RAND Corporation, 2012
Telehealth adoption by mental health and substance use disorder treatment facilities in the COVID-19 pandemic
J Cantor, RK McBain, A Kofner, R Hanson, BD Stein, H Yu
Psychiatric Services 73 (4), 411-417, 2022
Federally qualified health center clinicians and staff increasingly dissatisfied with workplace conditions
MW Friedberg, RO Reid, JW Timbie, C Setodji, A Kofner, B Weidmer, ...
Health Affairs 36 (8), 1469-1475, 2017
Is there a shortage of scientists and engineers? How would we know
WP Butz, GA Bloom, ME Gross, TK Kelly, A Kofner, HE Rippen
Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND Corporation, IP-241-OSTP, 2003
Moving Los Angeles: Short-term policy options for improving transportation
P Sorensen
Rand Corporation, 2008
Gender differences in major federal external grant programs
SD Hosek, AG Cox, B Ghosh-Dastidar, A Kofner, N Ramphal, J Scott, ...
RAND Corporation, 2005
Nationwide evaluation of health care prices paid by private health plans: findings from round 3 of an Employer-Led transparency initiative
R Kerber, B Briscombe, A Kofner, CM Whaley, B O'Neill
Rand Corporation, 2020
Neighborhood effects on crime and youth violence: The role of business improvement districts in Los Angeles
JM MacDonald
Rand Corporation, 2009
Is there a shortage of scientists and engineers
WP Butz, GA Bloom, ME Gross, TK Kelly, A Kofner, HE Rippen
How would we know, 1-7, 2003
Flood Insurance in New York City Following Hurricane Sandy
LS Dixon, N Clancy, B Bender, A Kofner, D Manheim, L Zakaras
RAND, 2013
Expansion of telehealth availability for mental health care after state-level policy changes from 2019 to 2022
RK McBain, MS Schuler, N Qureshi, S Matthews, A Kofner, J Breslau, ...
JAMA Network Open 6 (6), e2318045-e2318045, 2023
Fewer Than Half Of US Mental Health Treatment Facilities Provide Services For Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Results from a survey of US mental health treatment …
J Cantor, RK McBain, A Kofner, BD Stein, H Yu
Health Affairs 39 (6), 968-974, 2020
Implementation of medical homes in federally qualified health centers
JW Timbie, CM Setodji, A Kress, TA Lavelle, MW Friedberg, PJ Mendel, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 377 (3), 246-256, 2017
Evaluation of the Mental Health Services Act in Los Angeles County: implementation and outcomes for key programs
JS Ashwood, SH Kataoka, NK Eberhart, E Bromley, BT Zima, L Baseman, ...
Rand health quarterly 8 (1), 2018
RAND program evaluation toolkit for countering violent extremism
TC Helmus, M Matthews, R Ramchand, S Beaghley, D Stebbins, A Kadlec, ...
RAND Corporation, 2017
A national examination of child psychiatric telephone consultation programs’ impact on children’s mental health care utilization
BD Stein, A Kofner, WB Vogt, H Yu
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 58 (10), 1016, 2019
Technology transfer of federally funded R&D
M Wang, S Pfleeger, DM Adamson, G Bloom, W Butz, D Fossum, M Gross, ...
Conference Proceedings: Perspectives from a forum. Prepared for the Office …, 2003
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Articles 1–20