No project is an island: linking projects to history and context M Engwall Research policy 32 (5), 789-808, 2003 | 1756 | 2003 |
The resource allocation syndrome: the prime challenge of multi-project management? M Engwall, A Jerbrant International journal of project management 21 (6), 403-409, 2003 | 811 | 2003 |
Project overload: An exploratory study of work and management in multi-project settings A Zika-Viktorsson, P Sundström, M Engwall International Journal of Project Management 24 (5), 385-394, 2006 | 515 | 2006 |
The business model dilemma of technology shifts S Tongur, M Engwall Technovation 34 (9), 525-535, 2014 | 475 | 2014 |
Jakten på det effektiva projektet M Engwall Thomson Fakta AB, 1995 | 227 | 1995 |
What brings the value to outcome-based contract providers? Value drivers in outcome business models I Visnjic, M Jovanovic, A Neely, M Engwall International Journal of Production Economics 192, 169-181, 2017 | 189 | 2017 |
Models in action: how management models are interpreted in new product development M Engwall, R Kling, A Werr R&d Management 35 (4), 427-439, 2005 | 141 | 2005 |
Peripety in an R&D drama: Capturing a turnaround in project dynamics M Engwall, G Westling Organization Studies 25 (9), 1557-1578, 2004 | 127 | 2004 |
The futile dream for the perfect goal M Engwall Liber, 2002 | 125 | 2002 |
Exploring program management competences for various program types M Miterev, M Engwall, A Jerbrant International Journal of Project Management 34 (3), 545-557, 2016 | 118 | 2016 |
Mechanisms of isomorphism in project-based organizations M Miterev, M Engwall, A Jerbrant Project Management Journal 48 (5), 9-24, 2017 | 80 | 2017 |
PERT, Polaris, and the realities of project execution M Engwall International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 5 (4), 595-616, 2012 | 74 | 2012 |
Cheetah teams in product development: the most extreme form of temporary organization? M Engwall, C Svensson Scandinavian journal of management 20 (3), 297-317, 2004 | 71 | 2004 |
Matching Service Offerings and Product Operations: A Key to Servitization Success: Existing conditions, such as product characteristics or market attributes, may determine the … M Jovanovic, M Engwall, A Jerbrant Research-Technology Management 59 (3), 29-36, 2016 | 65 | 2016 |
The project concept (s): on the unit of analysis in the study of project management M Engwall Projects as arenas for renewal and learning processes, 25-35, 1998 | 64 | 1998 |
Experimental networks for business model innovation: A way for incumbents to navigate sustainability transitions? M Engwall, M Kaulio, E Karakaya, M Miterev, D Berlin Technovation 108, 102330, 2021 | 63 | 2021 |
Temporary organizing: a Viking approach to project management research M Engwall, RS Steinthorsson, A Söderholm Liber, 2003 | 60 | 2003 |
Internal visibility of external supplier risks and the dynamics of risk management silos S Sarker, M Engwall, P Trucco, A Feldmann IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 63 (4), 451-461, 2016 | 53 | 2016 |
Cheetah Teams. M Engwall, C Svensson Harvard Business Review 79 (2), 20-21, 2001 | 51 | 2001 |
Dealing with the devil of deviation: managing uncertainty during product development execution CI Munthe, L Uppvall, M Engwall, L Dahlén R&d Management 44 (2), 203-216, 2014 | 49 | 2014 |