Edward Balaban
Edward Balaban
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Metrics for evaluating performance of prognostic techniques
A Saxena, J Celaya, E Balaban, K Goebel, B Saha, S Saha, ...
2008 international conference on prognostics and health management, 1-17, 2008
Modeling, detection, and disambiguation of sensor faults for aerospace applications
E Balaban, A Saxena, P Bansal, KF Goebel, S Curran
IEEE Sensors Journal 9 (12), 1907-1917, 2009
A diagnostic approach for electro-mechanical actuators in aerospace systems
E Balaban, P Bansal, P Stoelting, A Saxena, KF Goebel, S Curran
2009 IEEE Aerospace conference, 1-13, 2009
POMDPs. jl: A framework for sequential decision making under uncertainty
M Egorov, ZN Sunberg, E Balaban, TA Wheeler, JK Gupta, ...
Journal of Machine Learning Research 18 (26), 1-5, 2017
A knowledge-based system approach for sensor fault modeling, detection and mitigation
JC da Silva, A Saxena, E Balaban, K Goebel
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (12), 10977-10989, 2012
Prognostic health-management system development for electromechanical actuators
E Balaban, A Saxena, S Narasimhan, I Roychoudhury, M Koopmans, ...
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 12 (3), 329-344, 2015
Combining model-based and feature-driven diagnosis approaches–a case study on electromechanical actuators
S Narasimhan, I Roychoudhury, E Balaban, A Saxena
Annual Conference of the PHM Society 2 (2), 2010
Airborne electro-mechanical actuator test stand for development of prognostic health management systems
E Balaban, A Saxena, S Narasimhan, I Roychoudhury, KF Goebel, ...
Annual Conference of the PHM Society 2 (1), 2010
Fault detection and classification for flight control electromechanical actuators
MAA Ismail, E Balaban, H Spangenberg
2016 IEEE aerospace conference, 1-10, 2016
Experimental data collection and modeling for nominal and fault conditions on electro-mechanical actuators
E Balaban, A Saxena, K Goebel, CS Byington, M Watson, S Bharadwaj, ...
Annual Conference of the PHM Society 1 (1), 2009
Experimental validation of a prognostic health management system for electro-mechanical actuators
E Balaban, A Saxena, S Narasimhan, I Roychoudhury, K Goebel
Infotech@ Aerospace 2011, 1518, 2011
Development of a mobile robot test platform and methods for validation of prognostics-enabled decision making algorithms
E Balaban, S Narasimhan, MJ Daigle, I Roychoudhury, A Sweet, C Bond, ...
International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management 4 (1), 2013
Experimental and analytical development of health management for electro-mechanical actuators
MJ Smith, CS Byington, MJ Watson, S Bharadwaj, G Swerdon, K Goebel, ...
2009 IEEE Aerospace conference, 1-14, 2009
An approach to prognostic decision making in the aerospace domain
E Balaban, JJ Alonso
Annual Conference of the PHM Society 4 (1), 2012
A mobile robot testbed for prognostics-enabled autonomous decision making
E Balaban, S Narasimhan, M Daigle, J Celaya, I Roychoudhury, B Saha, ...
Annual Conference of the PHM Society 3 (1), 2011
A modeling framework for prognostic decision making and its application to uav mission planning
E Balaban, JJ Alonso
Annual Conference of the PHM Society 5 (1), 2013
Propulsion IVHM technology experiment overview
CM Meyer, C Fulton, B Maul, A Chicatelli, H Cannon, A Bajwa, E Balaban, ...
2003 IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings (Cat. No. 03TH8652) 2, 2_859-2_868, 2003
Demonstration of prognostics-enabled decision making algorithms on a hardware mobile robot test platform
A Sweet, G Gorospe, M Daigle, E Balaban, I Roychoudhury, ...
Annual Conference of the PHM Society 6 (1), 2014
Real-time monitoring and prediction of airspace safety
I Roychoudhury, L Spirkovska, M Daigle, E Balaban, S Sankararaman, ...
Autonomous decision making for planetary rovers using diagnostic and prognostic information
S Narasimhan, E Balaban, M Daigle, I Roychoudhury, A Sweet, J Celaya, ...
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (20), 289-294, 2012
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Articles 1–20