Lorenz Goette
Lorenz Goette
National University of Singapore, Department of Economics.
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Reference points and effort provision
J Abeler, A Falk, L Götte, D Huffman
The American Economic Review 101 (2), 470-492, 2011
The impact of group membership on cooperation and norm enforcement: Evidence using random assignment to real social groups
L Goette, D Huffman, S Meier
The American economic review 96 (2), 212-216, 2006
Numerical ability predicts mortgage default
K Gerardi, L Goette, S Meier
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (28), 11267-11271, 2013
Do workers work more if wages are high? Evidence from a randomized field experiment
E Fehr, L Goette
IEW Working Paper No. 125, 2005
Cognitive skills affect economic preferences, strategic behavior, and job attachment
SV Burks, JP Carpenter, L Goette, A Rustichini
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (19), 7745, 2009
How wages change: micro evidence from the International Wage Flexibility Project
W Dickens, L Goette, E Groshen, S Holden, J Messina, M Schweitzer, ...
Active Decisions and Prosocial Behaviour: a Field Experiment on Blood Donation*
A Stutzer, L Goette, M Zehnder
The Economic Journal 121 (556), F476-F493, 2011
A behavioral account of the labor market: The role of fairness concerns
E Fehr, L Goette, C Zehnder
Annu. Rev. Econ. 1 (1), 355-384, 2009
Overcoming Salience Bias: How Real-Time Feedback Fosters Resource Conservation
V Tiefenbeck, L Goette, K Degen, E Fleisch, V Tasic, R Lalive, T Staake
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP11480, 2016
Robustness and real consequences of nominal wage rigidity
E Fehr, L Goette
Journal of Monetary Economics 52 (4), 779-804, 2005
Does pay motivate volunteers
BS Frey, L Goette
Unpublished Manuscript. Institute for Empirical Economic Research …, 1999
Fairness and effort: Evidence from a field experiment
A Cohn, E Fehr, L Goette
Working paper, 2009
The impact of social ties on group interactions: Evidence from minimal groups and randomly assigned real groups
L Goette, D Huffman, S Meier
Working Paper, 2010
Overconfidence and social signalling
SV Burks, JP Carpenter, L Goette, A Rustichini
Review of Economic Studies 80 (3), 949-983, 2013
The mentalizing network orchestrates the impact of parochial altruism on social norm enforcement
T Baumgartner, L Götte, R Gügler, E Fehr
Human brain mapping 33 (6), 1452-1469, 2012
Reducing foreclosures: No easy answers
C Foote, K Gerardi, L Goette, P Willen
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2009
Loss aversion and labor supply
L Goette, D Huffman, E Fehr
Journal of the European Economic Association 2 (2‐3), 216-228, 2004
Blood donations and incentives: Evidence from a field experiment
L Goette, A Stutzer
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2020
Competition between organisational groups: its impact on altruistic and anti-social motivations
L Goette, D Huffman, S Meier, M Sutter
Manuscript, University of Lausanne, 2011
Blood Donations and incentives: Evidence from a field experiment
L Goette, A Stutzer, UBW Zentrum
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Zentrum (WWZ) der Universität Basel, 2008
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Articles 1–20