Jane Gibbon
Cited by
Cited by
Developments in social impact measurement in the third sector: scaling up or dumbing down?
J Gibbon, C Dey
Social and Environmental Accountability Journal 31 (1), 63-72, 2011
The mainstreaming of Fair Trade: a macromarketing perspective
G Moore, J Gibbon, R Slack
Journal of Strategic Marketing 14 (4), 329-352, 2006
An evidence-based approach for investment in rapid-charging infrastructure
J Serradilla, J Wardle, P Blythe, J Gibbon
Energy Policy 106, 514-524, 2017
Criteria for responsible business practice in SMEs: An exploratory case of UK fair trade organisations
G Moore, R Slack, J Gibbon
Journal of Business Ethics 89, 173-188, 2009
Understandings of accountability: An autoethnographic account using metaphor
J Gibbon
Critical Perspectives on Accounting 23 (3), 201-212, 2012
SMEs in the metal manufacturing, construction and contracting service sectors: environmental awareness and actions
L Holland, J Gibbon
Eco‐Management and Auditing 4 (1), 7-14, 1997
Social enterprise resisting social accounting: reflecting on lived experiences
J Gibbon, A Affleck
Social enterprise journal 4 (1), 41-56, 2008
External accounts
C Dey, J Gibbon
Sustainability accounting and accountability, 108-123, 2014
New development: Private finance over public good? Questioning the value of impact bonds
C Dey, J Gibbon
Public Money & Management 38 (5), 375-378, 2018
The institutional work of creating and implementing social impact bonds
L Lowe, J Kimmitt, R Wilson, M Martin, J Gibbon
Policy & Politics 47 (2), 353-369, 2019
Localism and the third sector: New relationships of public service?
J Fenwick, J Gibbon
Public Policy and Administration 31 (3), 221-240, 2016
The psychology of learning and motivation
J Gibbon, GH Bower
Data for outcome payments or information for care? A sociotechnical analysis of the management information system in the implementation of a social impact bond
D Jamieson, R Wilson, M Martin, T Lowe, J Kimmitt, J Gibbon, M French
Public Money & Management 40 (3), 213-224, 2020
Moving on from scaling up: further progress in developing social impact measurement in the third sector
C Dey, J Gibbon
Social and Environmental Accountability Journal 37 (1), 66-72, 2017
Processes in social and ethical accountability: external reporting mechanisms
L Holland, J Gibbon
Perspectives on corporate citizenship, 278-295, 2017
The third sector
R Hull, J Gibbon, O Branzei, H Haugh
Emerald Group Publishing, 2011
A survey of environmental accounting and reporting in Bahrain
J Gibbon, P Lal Joshi
Journal of Applied Accounting Research 5 (1), 4-36, 1999
The rise and fall of the Big Society in the UK
J Fenwick, J Gibbon
Public Money & Management 37 (2), 126-130, 2017
Social enterprise, accountability and social accounting
H Mäkelä, J Gibbon, E Costa
Social and Environmental Accountability Journal 37 (1), 1-5, 2017
Workington: a case study in coordination and communication
A Affleck, J Gibbon
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Municipal Engineer 169 (2 …, 2016
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Articles 1–20