Susan Winter
Susan Winter
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Beyond the organizational ‘container’: Conceptualizing 21st century sociotechnical work
S Winter, N Berente, J Howison, B Butler
Information and Organization 24 (4), 250-269, 2014
Electronic window dressing: Impression management with websites
SJ Winter, C Saunders, P Hart
European Journal of Information Systems 12 (4), 309-322, 2003
Diversity in work group sex composition: Implications for majority and minority members
AM Konrad, S Winter, BA Gutek
Research in the Sociology of Organizations 10 (1), 15-140, 1992
Individual differences in the acceptability of unethical information technology practices: The case of Machiavellianism and ethical ideology
SJ Winter, AC Stylianou, RA Giacalone
Journal of Business Ethics 54, 273-301, 2004
The role of IT in the transformation of work: a comparison of post-industrial, industrial, and proto-industrial organization
SJ Winter, SL Taylor
Information Systems Research 7 (1), 5-21, 1996
Creating bigger problems: grand challenges as boundary objects and the legitimacy of the information systems field
SJ Winter, BS Butler
Journal of Information Technology 26 (2), 99-108, 2011
Attitudes toward computers: when do they predict computer use?
SJ Winter, KM Chudoba, BA Gutek
Information & Management 34 (5), 275-284, 1998
Consistency of job satisfaction across situations: Fact or framing artifact?
BA Gutek, SJ Winter
Journal of Vocational Behavior 41 (1), 61-78, 1992
Misplaced resources? Factors associated with computer literacy among end-users
SJ Winter, KM Chudoba, BA Gutek
Information & Management 32 (1), 29-42, 1997
Entrepreneurial alertness and opportunity identification: where are we now?
CM Gaglio, S Winter
Understanding the entrepreneurial mind: opening the black box, 305-325, 2009
Future directions for scholarship on data governance, digital innovation, and grand challenges
E Davidson, L Wessel, JS Winter, S Winter
Information and Organization 33 (1), 100454, 2023
Understanding the behavioral intention to report unethical information technology practices: The role of Machiavellianism, gender, and computer expertise
AC Stylianou, S Winter, Y Niu, RA Giacalone, M Campbell
Journal of business ethics 117, 333-343, 2013
The role of information technology in the transformation of work
S Winter, SL Taylor
Information Technology and Organizational Transformation—History, Rhetoric …, 2001
Computer use, control over computers, and job satisfaction
BA Gutek, SJ Winter
People's reactions to technology, 121-144, 1990
Role-Playing Computer Ethics: Designing and Evaluating the Privacy by Design (PbD) Simulation
K Shilton, D Heidenblad, A Porter, S Winter, M Kendig
Science and Engineering Ethics 26, 2911-2926, 2020
Build it, but will they come? A geoscience cyberinfrastructure baseline analysis
J Cutcher-Gershenfeld, KS Baker, N Berente, DR Carter, LA DeChurch, ...
Data Science Journal 15, 8-8, 2016
Special issue on futures for research on information systems: prometheus unbound?
S Sawyer, SJ Winter
Journal of Information Technology 26 (2), 95-98, 2011
Distance education communications: The social presence and media richness of instant messaging
SJ Kuyath, SJ Winter
Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks 10 (4), 67-81, 2006
Five ways consortia can catalyse open science
J Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld is professor in the ...
Nature 543, 615-617, 2017
The rise of cyberinfrastructure and grand challenges for eCommerce
SJ Winter
Information Systems and e-business Management 10, 279-293, 2012
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Articles 1–20