Thomas Gruen
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Cited by
eWOM: The impact of customer-to-customer online know-how exchange on customer value and loyalty
TW Gruen, T Osmonbekov, AJ Czaplewski
Journal of Business research 59 (4), 449-456, 2006
Relationship marketing activities, commitment, and membership behaviors in professional associations
TW Gruen, JO Summers, F Acito
Journal of marketing 64 (3), 34-49, 2000
Antecedents and consequences of customer-company identification: expanding the role of relationship marketing.
M Ahearne, CB Bhattacharya, T Gruen
Journal of applied psychology 90 (3), 574, 2005
Retail Out of Stocks: A Worldwide Examination of Extent, Causes, and Consumer Responses
TW Gruen, DS Corsten, S Bharadwaj
The outcome set of relationship marketing in consumer markets
TW Gruen
International Business Review 4 (4), 447-469, 1995
Desperately seeking shelf availability: an examination of the extent, the causes, and the efforts to address retail out-of-stocks
D Corsten, T Gruen
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 31 (12), 605-617, 2003
Customer-to-customer exchange: Its MOA antecedents and its impact on value creation and loyalty
TW Gruen, T Osmonbekov, AJ Czaplewski
Journal of the academy of marketing science 35, 537-549, 2007
If looks could sell: Moderation and mediation of the attractiveness effect on salesperson performance
M Ahearne, TW Gruen, CB Jarvis
International Journal of Research in Marketing 16 (4), 269-284, 1999
Stock-outs cause walkouts
D Corsten, TW Gruen
Harvard Business School Publ. Corp., 2004
A comprehensive guide to retail out-of-stock reduction in the fast-moving consumer goods industry
TW Gruen, DS Corsten
Grocery Manufacturers of America, 2007
Determinants and outcomes of plan objectivity and implementation in category management relationships
TW Gruen, RH Shah
Journal of retailing 76 (4), 483-510, 2000
How e-communities extend the concept of exchange in marketing: An application of the motivation, opportunity, ability (MOA) theory
TW Gruen, T Osmonbekov, AJ Czaplewski
Marketing Theory 5 (1), 33-49, 2005
Socializing to co-produce: Pathways to consumers’ financial well-being
L Guo, EJ Arnould, TW Gruen, C Tang
Journal of Service Research 16 (4), 549-563, 2013
Relationship Marketing: The Route to Marketing Efficiency and Effectiveness
T Gruen
Business Horizons 40 (6), 32-38, 1997
The Effects of Supplier-to-Buyer Identification on operational performance-An empirical investigation of Inter-organizational Identification in automotive Relationships
D Corsten, T Gruen, M Peyinghaus
Journal of Operations Management 29 (6), 549-560, 2010
The use of category management practices to obtain a sustainable competitive advantage in the fast‐moving‐consumer‐goods industry
K Dupre, TW Gruen
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 19 (7), 444-459, 2004
The role of perceived control in customer value cocreation and service recovery evaluation
L Guo, SL Lotz, C Tang, TW Gruen
Journal of Service Research 19 (1), 39-56, 2016
Who pays more (or less) for pro-environmental consumer goods? Using the auction method to assess actual willingness-to-pay
NA Barber, M Bishop, T Gruen
Journal of Environmental Psychology 40, 218-227, 2014
Seeing relationships through the lens of psychological contracts: the structure of consumer service relationships
L Guo, TW Gruen, C Tang
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 45, 357-376, 2017
Emerging research themes in innovation and new product development: insights from the 2017 PDMA‐UNH doctoral consortium
L Bstieler, T Gruen, B Akdeniz, D Brick, S Du, L Guo, M Khanlari, ...
Journal of Product Innovation Management 35 (3), 300-307, 2018
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Articles 1–20