Joshua Healy
Joshua Healy
Senior Lecturer in Employment Relations, University of Newcastle, Australia
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Should we take the gig economy seriously?
J Healy, D Nicholson, A Pekarek
Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work 27 …, 2017
The Aged Care Workforce, 2012–Final Report
D King, K Mavromaras, Z Wei, B He, J Healy, K Macaitis, M Moskos, ...
Australian Government, Department of Health and Ageing, 2013
Adjusting to skill shortages in Australian SMEs
J Healy, K Mavromaras, PJ Sloane
Applied Economics 47 (24), 2470-2487, 2015
Balancing mysterium and onus: Doing spiritual work within an emotion-laden organizational context
MV Boyle, J Healy
Organization 10 (2), 351-373, 2003
The Changing Labour Force Experience of New Migrants: Inter-Wave Comparisons for Cohort 1 and 2 of the LSIA
S Richardson, S Stack, L Lester, J Healy, D Ilsley, J Horrocks
Department of Immigration, Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs, Canberra, 2004
Sceptics or supporters? Consumers’ views of work in the gig economy
J Healy, A Pekarek, A Vromen
New Technology, Work and Employment 35 (1), 1-19, 2020
Who Works in Community Services? A profile of Australian workforces in child protection, juvenile justice, disability services and general community services
B Martin, J Healy
National Institute of Labour Studies, Flinders University, 2011
Between fit and flexibility? The benefits of high‐performance work practices and leadership capability for innovation outcomes
P Gahan, M Theilacker, M Adamovic, D Choi, B Harley, J Healy, JE Olsen
Human Resource Management Journal, doi: 10.1111/1748-8583.12316, 2020
The STEM labour market in Australia
J Healy, K Mavromaras, R Zhu
Contributing consultant report to ‘STEM: Country Comparisons’ project …, 2013
An updated profile of the minimum wage workforce in Australia
J Healy, S Richardson
Australian Fair Pay Commission, 2008
Dial 'B' for burnout? The experience of job burnout in a telephone call centre
J Healy, T Bramble
Labour and Industry 14 (2), 39-59, 2003
Changing work organisation and skill requirements
B Martin, J Healy
Australian Bulletin of Labour 35 (3), 393-437, 2009
The Ageing Workforce: Policy Dilemmas and Choices
P Gahan, R Harbridge, J Healy, R Williams
Australian Journal of Public Administration 76 (4), 511-523, 2016
Bringing the Leader Back in: Why, How, and When Leadership Empowerment Behavior Shapes Coworker Conflict
M Adamovic, P Gahan, JE Olsen, B Harley, J Healy, M Theilacker
Group & Organization Management, doi: 10.1177/1059601120917589, 2020
The future of work in Australia: Anticipating how new technologies will reshape labour markets, occupations and skill requirements
J Healy, D Nicholson, P Gahan
New South Wales Department of Education, Future Frontiers Series, 2018
Guest editors’ introduction: technological disruption and the future of employment relations
J Healy, D Nicholson, J Parker
Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work 27 …, 2017
Who Cares for the Elders?: What We Can and Can't Know from Existing Data
J Healy, S Richardson
Australian Government, Dept of Health and Ageing, 2003
Does procedural justice climate increase the identification and engagement of migrant workers? A group engagement model perspective
M Adamovic, P Gahan, J Olsen, B Harley, J Healy, M Theilacker
Personnel Review 51 (1), 377-393, 2020
Leadership at Work: Do Australian leaders have what it takes?
P Gahan, M Adamovic, A Bevitt, B Harley, J Healy, JE Olsen, M Theilacker
Melbourne: Centre for Workplace Leadership, University of Melbourne, 2016
How do aged care workers compare with other Australian workers?
J Healy, M Moskos
National Institute of Labour Studies, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia, 2005
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Articles 1–20