Examining the technology acceptance model using physician acceptance of telemedicine technology PJ Hu, PYK Chau, ORL Sheng, KY Tam Journal of management information systems 16 (2), 91-112, 1999 | 3367 | 1999 |
Information technology acceptance by individual professionals: A model comparison approach PYK Chau, PJH Hu Decision sciences 32 (4), 699-719, 2001 | 2473 | 2001 |
A perception-based model for EDI adoption in small businesses using a technology–organization–environment framework KKY Kuan, PYK Chau Information & management 38 (8), 507-521, 2001 | 2084 | 2001 |
An empirical assessment of a modified technology acceptance model PYK Chau Journal of management information systems 13 (2), 185-204, 1996 | 1971 | 1996 |
Investigating healthcare professionals’ decisions to accept telemedicine technology: an empirical test of competing theories PYK Chau, PJH Hu Information & management 39 (4), 297-311, 2002 | 1719 | 2002 |
Factors affecting the adoption of open systems: an exploratory study PYK Chau, KY Tam MIS quarterly, 1-24, 1997 | 1658 | 1997 |
Reexamining a model for evaluating information center success using a structural equation modeling approach PYK Chau Decision Sciences 28 (2), 309-334, 1997 | 1274 | 1997 |
Examining a model of information technology acceptance by individual professionals: An exploratory study PYK Chau, PJ Hu Journal of management information systems 18 (4), 191-229, 2002 | 1146 | 2002 |
Dynamics between the trust transfer process and intention to use mobile payment services: A cross-environment perspective Y Lu, S Yang, PYK Chau, Y Cao Information & management 48 (8), 393-403, 2011 | 1137 | 2011 |
An empirical investigation of the determinants of user acceptance of internet banking PYK Chau, VSK Lai Journal of organizational computing and electronic commerce 13 (2), 123-145, 2003 | 644 | 2003 |
Influence of computer attitude and self-efficacy on IT usage behavior PY Chau Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) 13 (1), 26-33, 2001 | 589 | 2001 |
Assessing the effects of service quality and justice on customer satisfaction and the continuance intention of mobile value-added services: An empirical test of a … L Zhao, Y Lu, L Zhang, PYK Chau Decision support systems 52 (3), 645-656, 2012 | 581 | 2012 |
Cultural differences in the online behavior of consumers PYK Chau, M Cole, AP Massey, M Montoya-Weiss, RM O'Keefe Communications of the ACM 45 (10), 138-143, 2002 | 572 | 2002 |
Cultivating the sense of belonging and motivating user participation in virtual communities: A social capital perspective L Zhao, Y Lu, B Wang, PYK Chau, L Zhang International journal of information management 32 (6), 574-588, 2012 | 536 | 2012 |
Determinants of users’ continuance of social networking sites: A self-regulation perspective H Lin, W Fan, PYK Chau Information & Management 51 (5), 595-603, 2014 | 487 | 2014 |
Understanding individual adoption of instant messaging: An empirical investigation H Lou, PYK Chau, D Li Journal of the Association for information systems 6 (4), 5, 2005 | 471 | 2005 |
Understanding behavioral intention to use a cloud computing classroom: A multiple model comparison approach WL Shiau, PYK Chau Information & Management 53 (3), 355-365, 2016 | 422 | 2016 |
An empirical investigation on factors affecting the acceptance of CASE by systems developers PYK Chau Information & Management 30 (6), 269-280, 1996 | 372 | 1996 |
Cooperative advertising, game theory and manufacturer–retailer supply chains SX Li, Z Huang, J Zhu, PYK Chau Omega 30 (5), 347-357, 2002 | 356 | 2002 |
Roles of perceived value and individual differences in the acceptance of mobile coupon applications F Liu, X Zhao, PYK Chau, Q Tang Internet Research 25 (3), 471-495, 2015 | 322 | 2015 |