Amir Hassanzadeh
Amir Hassanzadeh
Ph.D., Department of Mechanical Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.
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Cited by
Numerical analysis of the effect of helical nozzles gap on the cooling capacity of Ranque–Hilsch vortex tube
N Pourmahmoud, A Hassanzadeh, O Moutaby
International journal of refrigeration 35 (5), 1473-1483, 2012
CFD analysis of helical nozzles effects on the energy separation in a vortex tube
N Pourmahmoud, A Hassan Zadeh, O Moutaby, A Bramo
Thermal science 16 (1), 151-166, 2012
Performance analysis of integrated solar heat pump VRF system for the low energy building in Mediterranean island
HA Gilani, S Hoseinzadeh, H Karimi, A Karimi, A Hassanzadeh, ...
Renewable Energy 174, 1006-1019, 2021
A numerical simulation of the effect of inlet gas temperature on the energy separation in a vortex tube
N Pourmahmoud, M Rahimi, SE Rafiee, A Hassanzadeh
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 9 (1), 81-96, 2014
Numerical energy separation analysis on the commercial Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube on basis of application of different gases
N Pourmahmoud, SE Raffee, M Rahimi, A Hassanzadeh
SCIENTIA IRANICA 20 (5), 1528-1537, 2013
Three-dimensional numerical investigation of effect of convergent nozzles on the energy separation in a vortex tube
N Pourmahmoud, A Hassanzadeh, SE Rafiee, M Rahimi
International journal of heat and technology 30 (2), 133-140, 2012
Energy and exergy analysis of parabolic trough collectors
OK Sadaghiyani, MS Boubakran, A Hassanzadeh
International Journal of Heat and Technology 36 (1), 147-158, 2018
CFD investigation of vortex tube length effect as a designing criterion
N Pourmahmoud, R Esmaily, A Hassanzadeh
International Journal of Heat and Technology 33 (1), 129-136, 2015
Numerical simulation of motion and deformation of healthy and sick red blood cell through a constricted vessel using hybrid lattice Boltzmann-immersed boundary method
A Hassanzadeh, N Pourmahmoud, A Dadvand
Computer methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical engineering 20 (7), 737-749, 2017
Numerical simulation of secondary vortex chamber effect on the cooling capacity enhancement of vortex tube
N Pourmahmoud, FS Azar, A Hassanzadeh
Heat and Mass Transfer 50, 1225-1236, 2014
A numerical and experimental study of the aerodynamics and stability of a horizontal parachute
M Dawoodian, A Dadvand, A Hassanzadeh
International Scholarly Research Notices 2013 (1), 320563, 2013
Numerical investigation of operating pressure effects on the performance of a vortex tube
N Pourmahmoud, HA Zadeh, O Moutaby, A Bramo
Thermal Science 18 (2), 507-520, 2014
Numerical analysis of melting of nano-enhanced phase change material (NePCM) in a cavity with different positions of two heat source-sink pairs
N Mostafavinia, S Eghvay, A Hassanzadeh
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 8 (S9), 49, 2015
CFD investigation of inlet pressure effects on the energy separation in a vortex tube with convergent nozzles
N Pourmahmoud, M Rashidzadeh, A Hassanzadeh
Engineering Computations 32 (5), 1323-1342, 2015
Numerical study of red blood cell motion and deformation through a michrochannel using lattice Boltzmann-immersed boundary method
A Ghafouri, A Hassanzadeh
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 39 …, 2017
Experimental investigation of diameter of cold end orifice effect in vortex tube
N Pourmahmoud, R Esmaily, A Hassanzadeh
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 29 (3), 629-632, 2015
Computational fluid dynamics analysis of the effect of throat diameter on the fluid flow and performance of ejector
M Salehi, N Pourmahmoud, A Hassanzadeh, S Hoseinzadeh, PS Heyns
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 31 (3), 733-752, 2021
Numerical study of elastic red blood cell motion and deformation using improved lattice Boltzmann-immersed boundary method
A Hassanzadeh, N Pourmahmoud, A Dadvand
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical …, 2019
Computational fluid dynamics analysis of the influence of injection nozzle lateral outflow on the performance of Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube
N Pourmahmoud, A Izadi, A Hassanzadeh, A Jahangiramini
Thermal Science 18 (4), 1191-1201, 2014
Numerical investigation of energy separation in a low pressure vortex tube under different axial angles of injection nozzles
N Pourmahmoud, A Jahangiramin, A Hassanzadeh, SA Izadi
Modares Mechanical Engineering 13 (7), 64-73, 2013
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Articles 1–20