Vignesh Ishwar
Vignesh Ishwar
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Phrase-based rāga recognition using vector space modeling
S Gulati, J Serra, V Ishwar, S Sentürk, X Serra
2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2016
Classification of melodic motifs in raga music with time-series matching
P Rao, JC Ross, KK Ganguli, V Pandit, V Ishwar, A Bellur, HA Murthy
Journal of New Music Research 43 (1), 115-131, 2014
Carnatic music: Svara, gamaka, motif and raga identity
TM Krishna, V Ishwar
Serra X, Rao P, Murthy H, Bozkurt B, editors. Proceedings of the 2nd …, 2012
Automatic tonic identification in Indian art music: approaches and evaluation
S Gulati, A Bellur, J Salamon, R HG, V Ishwar, HA Murthy, X Serra
Journal of New Music Research 43 (1), 53-71, 2014
Intonation analysis of rāgas in Carnatic music
GK Koduri, V Ishwar, J Serrà, X Serra
Journal of New Music Research 43 (1), 72-93, 2014
A knowledge based signal processing approach to tonic identification in indian classical music
A Bellur, V Ishwar, X Serra, HA Murthy
Serra X, Rao P, Murthy H, Bozkurt B, editors. Proceedings of the 2nd …, 2012
Corpora for music information research in indian art music
A Srinivasamurthy, GK Koduri, S Gulati, V Ishwar, X Serra
Georgaki A, Kouroupetroglou G, eds. Proceedings of the 2014 International …, 2014
Motif Spotting in an Alapana in Carnatic Music.
V Ishwar, S Dutta, A Bellur, HA Murthy
ISMIR, 499-504, 2013
Mining melodic patterns in large audio collections of Indian art music
S Gulati, J Serra, V Ishwar, X Serra
2014 Tenth International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet …, 2014
Discovering rāga motifs by characterizing communities in networks of melodic patterns
S Gulati, J Serra, V Ishwar, X Serra
2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2016
Applause identification and its relevance to archival of carnatic music
P Sarala, V Ishwar, A Bellur, HA Murthy
Serra X, Rao P, Murthy H, Bozkurt B, editors. Proceedings of the 2nd …, 2012
Pitch estimation of the predominant vocal melody from heterophonic music audio recordings
V Ishwar
Master Thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, 2014
Melodic motivic analysis of indian music
P Rao, JC Ross, KK Ganguli, V Pandit, V Ishwar, A Bellur, HA Murthy
Journal of New Music Research 43 (1), 115-131, 2014
Melodic pattern extraction in large collections of music recordings using time series mining techniques
S Gulati, J Serra, V Ishwar, X Serra
International Society for Music Information Retrieval, 2014
Current Perspectives and Practices in Karnatik Music
R Raja, V Ishwar
Indian Art Music: A Computational Perspective, 361, 2023
Melodic pattern extraction in large collections of music recordings using
S Gulati, J Serrà, V Ishwar, X Serra
on IIIA CSIC (https://www. iiia. csic. es) Home> Melodic pattern extraction …, 0
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Articles 1–16