Prof. John Thangarajah
Prof. John Thangarajah
School of Computing Technologies, STEM College, RMIT University
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Cited by
Declarative and procedural goals in intelligent agent systems
M Winikoff, L Padgham, J Harland, J Thangarajah
International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, 2002
Detecting and avoiding interference between goals in intelligent agents
J Thangarajah, L Padgham, M Winikoff
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2003
Representation and Reasoning for Goals in BDI Agents.
J Thangarajah, L Padgham, J Harland
ACSC 2002, 259-265, 2002
Tool Support for Agent Development using the Prometheus Methodology.
MW Lin Padgham, John Thangarajah
Fifth International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2005), 383-388, 2005
Detecting & exploiting positive goal interaction in intelligent agents
J Thangarajah, L Padgham, M Winikoff
Proceedings of the second international joint conference on Autonomous …, 2003
Avoiding resource conflicts in intelligent agents
J Thangarajah, M Winikoff, L Padgham, K Fischer
ECAI 2, 18-22, 2002
The Prometheus design tool–a conference management system case study
L Padgham, J Thangarajah, M Winikoff
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering VIII: 8th International Workshop, AOSE …, 2008
Model-based test oracle generation for automated unit testing of agent systems
L Padgham, Z Zhang, J Thangarajah, T Miller
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 39 (9), 1230-1244, 2013
Testing in multi-agent systems
CD Nguyen, A Perini, C Bernon, J Pavón, J Thangarajah
International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, 180-190, 2009
Automated Unit Testing for Agent Systems.
Z Zhang, J Thangarajah, L Padgham
ENASE 7, 10-18, 2007
On proactivity and maintenance goals
S Duff, J Harland, J Thangarajah
Proceedings of the fifth international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2006
Prometheus design tool
J Thangarajah, L Padgham, M Winikoff
Proceedings of the fourth international joint conference on Autonomous …, 2005
Computationally effective reasoning about goal interactions
J Thangarajah, L Padgham
Journal of Automated Reasoning 47, 17-56, 2011
An operational semantics for the goal life-cycle in BDI agents
J Harland, DN Morley, J Thangarajah, N Yorke-Smith
Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems 28, 682-719, 2014
Using three AOSE toolkits to develop a sample design
SA DeLoach, L Padgham, A Perini, A Susi, J Thangarajah
International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering 3 (4), 416-476, 2009
Preference-based reasoning in BDI agent systems
S Visser, J Thangarajah, J Harland, F Dignum
Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems 30, 291-330, 2016
Model based testing for agent systems
Z Zhang, J Thangarajah, L Padgham
International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, 399-413, 2007
Open agent systems???
F Dignum, V Dignum, J Thangarajah, L Padgham, M Winikoff
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering VIII: 8th International Workshop, AOSE …, 2008
Designing institutional multi-agent systems
C Sierra, J Thangarajah, L Padgham, M Winikoff
International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, 84-103, 2006
A BDI game master agent for computer role-playing games
B Luong, J Thangarajah, F Zambetta
Computers in Entertainment (CIE) 15 (1), 1-16, 2017
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Articles 1–20