Shunichi Ishihara
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Cited by
Exploring the discriminatory potential of F0 distribution parameters in traditional forensic speaker recognition
PR Yuko Kinoshita, Shunichi Ishihara
International Journal of Speech, Language & the Law 16 (1), 2009
How many do we need? exploration of the population size effect on the performance of forensic speaker classification.
S Ishihara, Y Kinoshita
Interspeech, 1941-1944, 2008
A likelihood ratio-based evaluation of strength of authorship attribution evidence in SMS messages using N-grams.
S Ishihara
International Journal of Speech, Language & the Law 21 (1), 2014
A forensic authorship classification in sms messages: A likelihood ratio based approach using n-gram
S Ishihara
Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Association Workshop …, 2011
The big australian speech corpus (the big asc)
M Wagner, D Tran, R Togneri, P Rose, D Powers, M Onslow, D Loakes, ...
SST 2010, Thirteenth Australasian International Conference on Speech Science …, 2011
Strength of linguistic text evidence: A fused forensic text comparison system
S Ishihara
Forensic Science International 278, 184-197, 2017
Background population: how does it affect LR based forensic voice comparison?
Y Kinoshita, S Ishihara
The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 21 (2), 191-224, 2014
Filler words as a speaker classification feature
S Ishihara, Y Kinoshita
Proceedings of the 13th Australasian International Conference on Speech …, 2010
Score-based likelihood ratios for linguistic text evidence with a bag-of-words model
S Ishihara
Forensic Science International 327, 110980, 2021
Strength of forensic text comparison evidence from stylometric features: a multivariate likelihood ratio-based analysis.
S Ishihara
International Journal of Speech, Language & the Law 24 (1), 2017
A blueprint for a comprehensive Australian English auditory-visual speech corpus
D Burnham, E Ambikairajah, J Arciuli, M Bennamoun, CT Best, S Bird, ...
HCSNet workshop on designing the Australian national corpus, 96-107, 2009
Experimenting with a Japanese automated essay scoring system in the L2 Japanese environment
J Imaki, S Ishihara
Papers in Language Testing and Assessment 2 (2), 28-47, 2013
Likelihood ratio estimation for authorship text evidence: An empirical comparison of score-and feature-based methods
S Ishihara, M Carne
Forensic Science International 334, 111268, 2022
An acoustic-phonetic descriptive analysis of Kagoshima Japanese tonal phenomena
S Ishihara
The Australian National University, 2004
On the phonetics of long, thin phonologies
A Butcher, C Donohue, S Ishihara, W Steed
Quantitative approaches to problems in linguistics, 133-154, 2012
A forensic text comparison in SMS messages: a likelihood ratio approach with lexical features.
S Ishihara
WDFIA, 55-65, 2012
Probabilistic evaluation of SMS messages as forensic evidence: likelihood ratio based approach with lexical features
S Ishihara
Emerging Digital Forensics Applications for Crime Detection, Prevention, and …, 2013
The effect of first language (L1) in cross-language speech perception: Comparison of word-final stop discrimination by English, Japanese and Thai listeners
K Tsukada, S Ishihara
Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 11 (1), 82-92, 2007
Cross-language perception of word-final stops: Comparison of Cantonese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese listeners
K Tsukada, TTA Nguyen, R Roengpitya, S Ishihara
International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (16th: 2007), 1781-1784, 2007
What constitutes" good pronunciation" from L2 Japanese learners' and native speakers' perspectives? A perception study
S Ishihara, C Tsurutani, K Tsukada
National University of Singapore, 2011
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Articles 1–20