Roberto Ragozzino
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Cited by
Mitigating risk in international mergers and acquisitions: the role of contingent payouts
JJ Reuer, O Shenkar, R Ragozzino
Journal of international business studies 35, 19-32, 2004
Geographic distance and corporate acquisitions: Signals from IPO firms
R Ragozzino, JJ Reuer
Strategic Management Journal 32 (8), 876-894, 2011
Agency hazards and alliance portfolios
JJ Reuer, R Ragozzino
Strategic management journal 27 (1), 27-43, 2006
The effects of geographic distance on the foreign acquisition activity of US firms
R Ragozzino
Management International Review 49 (4), 509-535, 2009
Alliance dynamics for entrepreneurial firms
A Ariņo, R Ragozzino, JJ Reuer
Journal of Management Studies 45 (1), 147-168, 2008
Adverse selection and M&A design: The roles of alliances and IPOs
JJ Reuer, R Ragozzino
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 66 (2), 195-212, 2008
Initial public offerings and the acquisition of entrepreneurial firms
R Ragozzino, JJ Reuer
Strategic Organization 5 (2), 155-176, 2007
Contingent earnouts in acquisitions of privately held targets
R Ragozzino, JJ Reuer
Journal of Management 35 (4), 857-879, 2009
The choice between joint ventures and acquisitions: Insights from signaling theory
JJ Reuer, R Ragozzino
Organization Science 23 (4), 1175-1190, 2012
Signals and international alliance formation: The roles of affiliations and international activities
JJ Reuer, R Ragozzino
Journal of International Business Studies 45, 321-337, 2014
Venture–backed firms: how does venture capital involvement affect their likelihood of going public or being acquired?
R Ragozzino, DP Blevins
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 40 (5), 991-1016, 2016
Institutional changes within the European Union: How global cities and regional integration affect MNE entry decisions
DP Blevins, C Moschieri, BC Pinkham, R Ragozzino
Journal of World Business 51 (2), 319-330, 2016
Real options in strategy and finance: Current gaps and future linkages
R Ragozzino, JJ Reuer, L Trigeorgis
Academy of Management Perspectives 30 (4), 428-440, 2016
An examination of the effects of venture capitalists on the alliance formation activity of entrepreneurial firms
DP Blevins, R Ragozzino
Strategic Management Journal 39 (7), 2075-2091, 2018
Does regional integration change the effects of country-level institutional barriers on M&A? The case of the European Union
C Moschieri, R Ragozzino, JM Campa
Management International Review 54, 853-877, 2014
“Corporate governance” and performance in nonprofit organizations
DP Blevins, R Ragozzino, R Eckardt
Strategic organization 20 (2), 293-317, 2022
On social media and the formation of organizational reputation: How social media are increasing cohesion between organizational reputation and traditional media for stakeholders
DP Blevins, R Ragozzino
Academy of Management Review 44 (1), 219-222, 2019
Firm valuation effects of high-tech M&A: A comparison of new ventures and established firms
R Ragozzino
The Journal of High Technology Management Research 17 (1), 85-96, 2006
Insights of signaling theory for acquisitions research
CW Wu, JJ Reuer, R Ragozzino
Advances in mergers and acquisitions, 173-191, 2013
When Theory Doesn't Meet Practice: Do Firms Really Stage Their Investments?
R Ragozzino, C Moschieri
The Academy of Management Perspectives 28, 22-37, 2014
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Articles 1–20