Andreas Nilsson
Andreas Nilsson
Assistant Professor, Örebro University Business School
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Project‐as‐practice: In search of project management research that matters
T Blomquist, M Hällgren, A Nilsson, A Söderholm
Project Management Journal 41 (1), 5-16, 2010
Relevance lost! A critical review of project management standardisation
M Hällgren, A Nilsson, T Blomquist, A Söderholm
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 5 (3), 457-485, 2012
Reflections on Barry W. Boehm's “A spiral model of software development and enhancement”
A Nilsson, TL Wilson
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 5 (4), 737-756, 2012
Learning-Environment Uncertainty and Students’ Approaches to Learning: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective
H Englund, H Stockhult, S Du Rietz, A Nilsson, G Wennblom
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 1-15, 2022
From blueprints to maps in project management
A Nilsson, A Söderholm
EURAM Conference, Munich, Germany, May 4-7, 2005, 2005
Development of virtual teams and learning communities
T Blomquist, M Hällgren, A Nilsson
m-ICTE2005 conference. Available: http://www. formatex. org/micte2005/251 …, 2005
Project as practice: making project research matter
T Blomquist, M Gällstedt, M Hällgren, A Nilsson, A Söderholm
7th IRNOP Research Conference, Northwestern Polytech Univ, Xian, China …, 2006
Projektledning i praktiken: Observationer av arbete i korta projekt
A Nilsson
Handelshögskolan vid Umeå universitet, 2008
The change masters: Project managers in short-duration projects
A Nilsson
Project Perspectives 27 (1), 42-45, 2005
Projektledning i korta projekt: Observationer av projektledares arbete i multiprojektmiljö
A Nilsson
Handelshögskolan vid Umeå universitet, 2004
Project management practice: the activities of coordination in a meeting
M Hällgren, A Nilsson
7th IRNOP Research Conference, OCT 11-13, 2006, Northwestern Polytech Univ …, 2006
Collaborating virtually: concepts and applications
T Blomquist, M Hällgren, A Nilsson
Development of Virtual Teams and Learning Communities, ICFAI, Punjagutta, 121-30, 2006
Varför fuskar studenterna? Avrapportering av ett pedagogiskt utvecklingsprojekt
A Kremel, A Nilsson
Högskolepedagogisk konferens, Örebro universitet, Örebro, September 29, 2022, 2022
Creating (un) ethical management for sustainable economy:–dimensions from a literature review
A Kremel, A Nilsson
Varför fuskar studenterna? Avrapportering av ett pedagogiskt projekt
A Kremel, A Nilsson
Örebro universitet, 2022
The analyzing and reflecting student: a matter of course design
A Nilsson, N Brinkfeldt
Sakai (Online) Virtual Conference:" The Future of the Learning Management …, 2015
Förstå mig rätt-Tydligare tentamen för lärares och studenters skull
N Brinkfeldt, AH Nilsson
Universitetspedagogiska konferensen 2015, 15, 2015
Project management practice: making project management research matter
M Hällgren, T Blomquist, A Nilsson, A Söderholm
Irnop 2006, Xian, China, October 11-13, 2006, 2006
Emerald Article: Relevance lost! A critical review of project management standardisation
M Hällgren, A Nilsson, T Blomquist, A Söderholm
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Articles 1–19