Yamen Al-Betawi
Cited by
Cited by
Effects of urban form on social sustainability–a case study of Irbid, Jordan
HH Ali, YN Al-Betawi, HS Al-Qudah
International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development 11 (2), 203-222, 2019
Quality of life in cities: setting up criteria for Amman-Jordan
HH Ali, FK Malkawi, YN Al-Betawi
Social indicators research 93, 407-432, 2009
Assessing the impact of urban Syrian refugees on the urban fabric of Al Mafraq city architecturally and socially
AA Alhusban, SA Alhusban, YN Al-Betawi
International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment 10 (2 …, 2019
The impact of the cultural beliefs on forming and designing spatial organizations, spaces hierarchy, and privacy of detached houses and apartments in Jordan
SAM Al Husban, AAS Al Husban, Y Al Betawi
Space and Culture 24 (1), 66-82, 2021
The degree of the Hashemite university students’ desires, needs, and satisfaction with their campus urban design
AA Alhusban, SA Alhusban, YN Al-Betawi
Journal of Place Management and Development 12 (3), 408-448, 2019
Transformations in the built form as a reflection of social change, the case of apartment buildings in Amman
YN Al-Betawi, FH Al Nassar, AA Al Husban, S Al Husban
Open House International 45 (1/2), 143-171, 2020
Housing & quality of life implications of the three qualities of housing in Amman, Jordan
Y Al Betawi
Cardiff University, 2013
Urban green space benefits and the pivotal role of conservation, Cairo’s case-Egypt
N Kafafy, Y Al-Betawi
The Second Conference on Conservation of Architecture, Urban Areas, Nature …, 2011
Disparities in experiencing housing quality: investigating the influences of socioeconomic factors
YN Al-Betawi, TM Abu-Ghazzeh, AA Al Husban, SA Al Husban
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 32 (3), 283-307, 2022
A methodology for evaluating housing quality in settlements of the displaced in Jordan
YN Al-Betawi, HH Ali, SI Yousef
Journal of Urban Affairs 44 (8), 1076-1100, 2022
Implementing the competences-based students-centered learning approach in Architectural Design Education. The case of the T MEDA Pilot Architectural Program at the Hashemite …
AAS Al Husban, SAM Al Husban, Y Al Betawi
Tuning Journal for Higher Education 4 (1), 43-98, 2016
Assessing the vitality of Amman’s urban stairways: a comparative study
M Al Shomali, YN Al-Betawi
Journal of Place Management and Development, 2024
An agile city? Tactical urbanism and responses to protracted displacement in the City of Amman, Jordan
YN Al-Betawi
Environment & Urbanization 36 (2), 377-400, 2024
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Articles 1–13