Yinghao Cai
Yinghao Cai
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Overview of deep learning
X Du, Y Cai, S Wang, L Zhang
2016 31st Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of …, 2016
Exploring context information for inter-camera multiple target tracking
Y Cai, G Medioni
IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 761-768, 2014
Matching groups of people by covariance descriptor
Y Cai, V Takala, M Pietikainen
2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2744-2747, 2010
Person re-identification based on global color context
Y Cai, M Pietikäinen
Computer Vision–ACCV 2010 Workshops: ACCV 2010 International Workshops …, 2011
Localizing discriminative visual landmarks for place recognition
Z Xin, Y Cai, T Lu, X Xing, S Cai, J Zhang, Y Yang, Y Wang
2019 International conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 5979-5985, 2019
Context enhancement of nighttime surveillance by image fusion
Y Cai, K Huang, T Tan, Y Wang
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06) 1, 980-983, 2006
Real-time moving object classification with automatic scene division
Z Zhang, Y Cai, K Huang, T Tan
2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 5, V-149-V-152, 2007
A robotic grasping method based on deep learning
X Du, Y Cai, T Lu, S Wang, Z Yan
Robot 39 (6), 820-828, 2017
A robotic shared control teleoperation method based on learning from demonstrations
B Xi, S Wang, X Ye, Y Cai, T Lu, R Wang
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 16 (4), 1729881419857428, 2019
Continuously tracking objects across multiple widely separated cameras
Y Cai, W Chen, K Huang, T Tan
Computer Vision–ACCV 2007: 8th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Tokyo …, 2007
Human appearance matching across multiple non-overlapping cameras
Y Cai, K Huang, T Tan
2008 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1-4, 2008
Real–sim–real transfer for real-world robot control policy learning with deep reinforcement learning
N Liu, Y Cai, T Lu, R Wang, S Wang
Applied Sciences 10 (5), 1555, 2020
A review of robot manipulation skills learning methods
NJ Liu, T Lu, YH Cai, S Wang
Acta Automatica Sinica 45 (3), 458-470, 2019
Learning predictable binary codes for face indexing
R He, Y Cai, T Tan, L Davis
Pattern recognition 48 (10), 3160-3168, 2015
Towards a practical PTZ face detection and tracking system
Y Cai, G Medioni, TB Dinh
2013 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 31-38, 2013
Janus-multi source event detection and collection system for effective surveillance of criminal activity
C Shahabi, SH Kim, L Nocera, G Constantinou, Y Lu, Y Cai, G Medioni, ...
Journal of information processing systems 10 (1), 1-22, 2014
ACDER: Augmented curiosity-driven experience replay
B Li, T Lu, J Li, N Lu, Y Cai, S Wang
2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 4218-4224, 2020
杜学丹, 蔡莹皓, 鲁涛, 王硕, 闫哲
机器人, 820-828, 2017
Meta-imitation learning by watching video demonstrations
J Li, T Lu, X Cao, Y Cai, S Wang
International Conference on Learning Representations, 2021
Online estimation of open circuit voltage based on extended kalman filter with self-evaluation criterion
X Qiao, Z Wang, E Hou, G Liu, Y Cai
Energies 15 (12), 4373, 2022
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Articles 1–20