VS Rao
VS Rao
Bluj Projects Visakhapatnam Villas Flats Bheemili Realestate Developers
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Computer support for meetings of groups working on unstructured problems: A field experiment
SL Jarvenpaa, VS Rao, GP Huber
Mis Quarterly, 645-666, 1988
The Conceptualization of Trust, Risk and Their Relationship in Electronic Commerce: The Need for Clarifications.
D Gefen, VS Rao, N Tractinsky
HICSS, 192, 2003
Computer support of groups: theory-based models for GDSS research
VS Rao, SL Jarvenpaa
Management Science 37 (10), 1347-1362, 1991
Trust violation in electronic commerce: Customer concerns and reactions
T Goles, SV Rao, S Lee, J Warren
Journal of computer information systems 49 (4), 1-9, 2009
Color and store choice in electronic commerce: the explanatory role of trust.
S Lee&, VS Rao
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research 11 (2), 2010
The conceptualization of trust, risk and their electronic commerce: The need for clarifications
D Gefen, VS Rao, N Tractinsky
36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003 …, 2003
Using situational crime prevention theory to explain the effectiveness of information systems security
NL Beebe, VS Rao
Proceedings of the 2005 SoftWars Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 1-18, 2005
Information security cultures of four professions: A comparative study
S Ramachandran, SV Rao, T Goles
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2008
An effort towards identifying occupational culture among information systems professionals
S Ramachandran, SV Rao
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGMIS CPR conference on computer personnel …, 2006
Incorporating social dimensions in Web-store design
N Tractinsky, V Srinivasan Rao
Human Systems Management 20 (2), 105-121, 2001
Improving organizational information security strategy via meso-level application of situational crime prevention to the risk management process
NL Beebe, VS Rao
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 26 (1), 17, 2010
Information disclosure and privacy paradox: the role of impulsivity
Z Aivazpour, VS Rao
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 51 (1 …, 2020
Occupational cultures of information systems personnel and managerial personnel: Potential conflicts
VS Rao, S Ramachandran
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 29 (1), 31, 2011
Variations in information security cultures across professions: A qualitative study
S Ramachandran, C Rao, T Goles, G Dhillon
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 33 (1), 11, 2013
Capturing stories in organizational memory systems: the role of multimedia
VS Rao, R Goldman-Segall
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Hawaii International Conference on …, 1995
The effects of individual differences and anonymity on commitment to decisions: Preliminary evidence
VS Rao, A Monk
The Journal of social psychology 139 (4), 496-515, 1999
The impacts of involuntary cues on media effects
S Rao, J Lim
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2000
Effects of teleconferencing technologies: An exploration of comprehension, feedback, satisfaction and role-related differences
VS Rao
Group decision and negotiation 4, 251-272, 1995
Impulsivity and risky cybersecurity behaviors: A replication
Z Aivazpour, VS Rao
A framework for communication support in group work with special reference to negotiation systems
I Benbasat, FJ Lim, VS Rao
Group Decision and Negotiation 4, 135-158, 1995
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Articles 1–20