Yang Zhang
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Cited by
Inequities in long-term housing recovery after disasters
WG Peacock, S Van Zandt, Y Zhang, WE Highfield
Journal of the American Planning Association 80 (4), 356-371, 2014
Vulnerability of community businesses to environmental disasters
Y Zhang, MK Lindell, CS Prater
Disasters 33 (1), 38-57, 2009
Sheltering and housing recovery following disaster
H Rodríguez, EL Quarantelli, RR Dynes, WG Peacock, N Dash, Y Zhang
Handbook of disaster research, 258-274, 2007
Planning for housing recovery? Lessons learned from Hurricane Andrew
Y Zhang, WG Peacock
Journal of the American Planning Association 76 (1), 5-24, 2009
Risk area accuracy and hurricane evacuation expectations of coastal residents
S Arlikatti, MK Lindell, CS Prater, Y Zhang
Environment and behavior 38 (2), 226-247, 2006
Risk area accuracy and evacuation from Hurricane Bret
Y Zhang, CS Prater, MK Lindell
Natural Hazards Review 5 (3), 115-120, 2004
Hazard proximity or risk perception? Evaluating effects of natural and technological hazards on housing values
Y Zhang, SN Hwang, MK Lindell
Environment and Behavior 42 (5), 597-624, 2010
Nontraditional participation in disaster recovery planning: Cases from China, India, and the United States
D Chandrasekhar, Y Zhang, Y Xiao
Journal of the American Planning Association 80 (4), 373-384, 2014
Residential housing choice in a multihazard environment: Implications for natural hazards mitigation and community environmental justice
Y Zhang
Journal of Planning Education and Research 30 (2), 117-131, 2010
Handbook of Disaster Research.
PAH Walker
Respiratory Care 53 (1), 104-105, 2008
Will natural disasters accelerate neighborhood decline? A discrete-time hazard analysis of residential property vacancy and abandonment before and after Hurricane Andrew in …
Y Zhang
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 39 (6), 1084-1104, 2012
An environmental justice analysis: superfund sites and surrounding communities in Illinois
AR Maranville, TF Ting, Y Zhang
Environmental Justice 2 (2), 49-58, 2009
Planning and recovery following the great 1976 Tangshan earthquake
Y Zhang, C Zhang, W Drake, R Olshansky
Journal of Planning History 14 (3), 224-243, 2015
Modeling single family housing recovery after hurricane Andrew in Miami-Dade County, FL
Y Zhang
Texas A & M University, 2010
Quantifying the role of vulnerability in hurricane damage via a machine learning case study
L Szczyrba, Y Zhang, D Pamukcu, DI Eroglu, R Weiss
Natural Hazards Review 22 (3), 04021028, 2021
An approach for quantifying the multidimensional nature of disaster resilience in the context of municipal service provision
CW Zobel, M Baghersad, Y Zhang
Urban Disaster Resilience and Security: Addressing Risks in Societies, 239-259, 2018
Calling 311: evaluating the performance of municipal services after disasters.
CW Zobel, M Baghersad, Y Zhang
ISCRAM, 2017
The impact of leed-energy star certified office buildings on the market value of adjoining buildings in New York city
MJ Suh, AR Pearce, Y Song, YH Kwak, JI Kim, Y Zhang
Journal of Green Building 14 (1), 31-52, 2019
Single Family Housing Recovery after Hurricane Andrew in Miami-Dade County
WG Peacock, Y Zhang, N Dash
Texas A&M University, Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center, College Station, TX, 2005
Fostering Community Resilience through Adaptive Learning in a Social Media Age: Municipal Twitter Use in New Jersey following Hurricane Sandy.
Y Zhang, W Drake, Y Li, CW Zobel, M Cowell
ISCRAM, 2015
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Articles 1–20