Jago Dodson
Cited by
Cited by
Shocking the suburbs: urban location, homeownership and oil vulnerability in the Australian city
J Dodson, N Sipe
Housing studies 23 (3), 377-401, 2008
Coworking: A transdisciplinary overview
J Waters-Lynch, J Potts, T Butcher, J Dodson, J Hurley
Available at SSRN 2712217, 2016
Oil vulnerability in the Australian city: Assessing socioeconomic risks from higher urban fuel prices
J Dodson, N Sipe
Urban studies 44 (1), 37-62, 2007
The ‘infrastructure turn’in Australian metropolitan spatial planning
J Dodson
International planning studies 14 (2), 109-123, 2009
Planning for urban freight transport: An overview
J Cui, J Dodson, PV Hall
Transport Reviews 35 (5), 583-598, 2015
Unsettling suburbia: The new landscape of oil and mortgage vulnerability in Australian cities
J Dodson, N Sipe
Griffith University, 2008
The global infrastructure turn and urban practice
J Dodson
Urban policy and research 35 (1), 87-92, 2017
Transport disavantage and social status: a review of literature and methods
J Dodson, B Gleeson, NG Sipe
Urban Policy Program, Griffith University, 2004
Shocking the suburbs: Urban location, housing debt and oil vulnerability in the Australian city
J Dodson, N Sipe, N Gavin
Urban Research Program, Griffith University, 2006
Investigating the social dimensions of transport disadvantage—I. Towards new concepts and methods
J Dodson, N Buchanan, B Gleeson, N Sipe
Urban Policy and Research 24 (4), 433-453, 2006
The “roll” of the state: government, neoliberalism and housing assistance in four advanced economies
J Dodson
Housing, theory and society 23 (4), 224-243, 2006
Travel self-containment in master planned estates: analysis of recent Australian trends
T Yigitcanlar, J Dodson, B Gleeson, N Sipe
Urban policy and research 25 (1), 129-149, 2007
The Principles of Public Transport Network Planning: A review of the emerging literature with select examples
J Dodson, P Mees, J Stone, M Burke
Griffith University, 2011
Investigating the social dimensions of transport disadvantage II: From concepts to methods through an empirical case study
J Dodson, B Gleeson, R Evans, N Sipe
Urban policy and research 25 (1), 63-89, 2007
Metropolitan governance for the Australian city: The case for reform
B Gleeson, J Dodson, M Spiller
Issues Paper 12 (1), 1-26, 2010
Governance, metropolitan planning and city-building: the case for reform
B Gleeson, J Dodson, M Spiller
Australia's unintended cities: The impact of housing on urban development …, 2012
Differentiating metropolitan transport disadvantage by mode: Household expenditure on private vehicle fuel and public transport fares in Brisbane, Australia
T Li, J Dodson, N Sipe
Journal of transport geography 49, 16-25, 2015
Change and continuity in peri-urban Australia: peri-urban futures and sustainable development
D Low Choy, C Sutherland, B Gleeson, N Sipe, J Dodson
Griffith University, Brisbane, 2008
Backtracking Auckland?: Technical and communicative reason in metropolitan transport planning
P Mees, J Dodson
International Planning Studies 12 (1), 35-53, 2007
Oil vulnerability in the Australian city
J Dodson, N Sipe
Urban Research Program, Griffith University, 2005
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