Ramik Sadana
Cited by
Cited by
TouchViz: a case study comparing two interfaces for data analytics on tablets
SM Drucker, D Fisher, R Sadana, J Herron, MC Schraefel
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2013
Onset: A visualization technique for large-scale binary set data
R Sadana, T Major, A Dove, J Stasko
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 20 (12), 1993-2002, 2014
Designing and implementing an interactive scatterplot visualization for a tablet computer
R Sadana, J Stasko
Proceedings of the 2014 International Working Conference on Advanced Visual …, 2014
Gestures involving direct interaction with a data visualization
SM Drucker, DA Fisher, R Sadana, JP Herron, MMC Schraefel
US Patent 9,760,262, 2017
Designing multiple coordinated visualizations for tablets
R Sadana, J Stasko
Computer Graphics Forum 35 (3), 261-270, 2016
Citevis: Exploring conference paper citation data visually
J Stasko, J Choo, Y Han, M Hu, H Pileggi, R Sadana, CD Stolper
Posters of IEEE InfoVis 2, 2013
Expanding selection for information visualization systems on tablet devices
R Sadana, J Stasko
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces …, 2016
Mogeste: A mobile tool for in-situ motion gesture design
A Parnami, A Gupta, G Reyes, R Sadana, Y Li, GD Abowd
Proceedings of the 8th Indian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 35-43, 2016
Tablet-based traffic counting application designed to minimize human error
C Toth, W Suh, V Elango, R Sadana, A Guin, M Hunter, R Guensler
Transportation research record 2339 (1), 39-46, 2013
Redefining a contribution for immersive visualization research
R Sadana, V Setlur, J Stasko
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Companion on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, 41-45, 2016
Automated sidewalk quality and safety assessment system.
R Guensler, A Grossman, A Frackelton, V Elango, Y Xu, C Toth, ...
Georgia. Department of Transportation. Office of Research, 2015
Touching data: A discoverability-based evaluation of a visualization interface for tablet computers
R Sadana, M Agnihotri, J Stasko
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.06084, 2018
Sidewalk Quality Analysis Towards More Accessible Urban Environments
A Grossman, A Frackelton, E Palinginis, Y Xu, V Elango, F Castrillon, ...
Joint Association of European Schools of Planning/Association of Collegiate …, 2013
Hands-on, large display visual data exploration
A Dai, R Sadana, CD Stolper, J Stasko
Proc. Posters VIS, 2015
Gesture morpher: video-based retargeting of multi-touch interactions
R Sadana, Y Li
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Human-Computer …, 2016
Automated Sidewalk Quality and Safety Assessment System
VE Grossman, Y Xu, C Toth, A Akanser, F Castrillon, S Khoeini, ...
Whale sharks, boolean set operations, and direct manipulation
R Sadana, A Dove, J Stasko
IEEE Information Visualization (InfoVis’ 13), Poster Proceedings, 2013
Gestures involving direct interaction with a data visualization
SM Drucker, DA Fisher, R Sadana, JP Herron, MMC Schraefel
US Patent 10,437,445, 2019
Gestures involving direct interaction with a data visualization
SM Drucker, DA Fisher, R Sadana, JP Herron, MMC Schraefel
US Patent 10,156,972, 2018
Data visualization on tablet devices
R Sadana
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017
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Articles 1–20