Carlos G. Sucre
Cited by
Cited by
Multilayer network analysis of oil linkages
R Casarin, M Iacopini, G Molina, E Ter Horst, R Espinasa, C Sucre, ...
The Econometrics Journal 23 (2), 269-296, 2020
La crisis de los precios de petróleo ante el COVID-19: recomendaciones de política para el sector energético
L Balza, P Carvajal, M Madrigal, L Montanez, C Sucre
Obtenido de BID-ENERGIA PARA EL FUTURO: https://blogs. iadb. org/energia/es …, 2020
La ley y los hidrocarburos: comparación de marcos legales de América Latina y el Caribe
R Espinasa, R Medina, G Tarre
Inter-American Development Bank, 2016
Financing the New Silk Road: Asian Investment in Latin America's Energy and Mineral Sectors
R Espinasa, E Marchán, C Sucre
Inter-American Development Bank, 2015
Dossier energético: Bolivia
R Espinasa, M Gutiérrez, C Sucre, F Anaya
Inter-American Development Bank, 2017
Latin American State Oil Companies and Climate Change: Decarbonization Strategies and Role in the Energy Transition
L Viscidi, S Phillips, P Carvajal, CG Sucre
Inter-American Dialogue, 2020
Cheap Oil? Making Sense of a Competitive Oil Market
R Espinasa, C Sucre
Inter-American Development Bank, 2015
Dossier Energético: Costa Rica
R Espinasa, M Gutiérrez Forero, CG Sucre, F Anaya
IDB Technical Notes Series, 2017
Dossier Energético: Nicaragua
R Espinasa, L Balza, C Hinestrosa, CG Sucre, F Anaya
IDB Technical Notes Series, 2017
Dossier Energético: Colombia
R Espinasa, CG Sucre, G Marta, A Fernando
IDB Technical Notes Series 1177, 2017
Dossier energético: Honduras
R Espinasa, L Balza, C Hinestrosa, CG Sucre, F Anaya
IDB Technical Notes Series, 2017
Achieving Sustainable Energy in Barbados: Energy Dossier
R Espinasa, C Gischler, M Humpert, CG Torres, C Sucre
Inter-American Development Bank, 2016
Recycling and Reuse of Lithium Batteries in Latin America and the Caribbean: Analytical Review of Global and Regional Practices
VL Hernández, I Hilbert, LG Castillero, A Manhart, D García, B Nkongdem, ...
Inter-American Development Bank, 2024
Dossier energético: México
R Espinasa, L Balza, C Hinestrosa, C Sucre, F Anaya
Inter-American Development Bank, 2017
Dossier Energético: Perú
R Espinasa, M Gutiérrez Forero, CG Sucre, F Anaya
IDB Technical Notes Series, 2017
The New Silk Road: Emerging Patterns in Asian-Latin American Trade for Energy & Minerals
R Espinasa, E Marchan, C Sucre
Inter-American Development Bank, 2015
Natural Gas Market Outlook: How Latin America and the Caribbean Can Benefit from the US Shale Boom
L Viscidi, C Sucre, S Karst
Washington DC: Inter-American Dialogue, Energy Working Paper, septiembre, 2015
Dossier energético: República Dominicana
R Espinasa, L Balza, C Hinestrosa, C Sucre
IDB Publications, 2013
Recycling and Reuse of Lithium Batteries in Latin America and the Caribbean: Analytical Review of Global and Regional Practices
V López Hernández, I Hilbert, L Gascón Castillero, A Manhart, D García, ...
Latin America and the Caribbean 2050: Becoming a Global Low-Carbon Metals and Solutions Hub
C Spano, P Natali, C Cannon, S Greene, O Urzúa, C Sucre, A Unzueta
Inter-American Development Bank, 2021
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Articles 1–20