Marya Besharov
Marya Besharov
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Multiple institutional logics in organizations: Explaining their varied nature and implications
ML Besharov, WK Smith
Academy of management review 39 (3), 364-381, 2014
Managing social-business tensions: A review and research agenda for social enterprise
WK Smith, M Gonin, ML Besharov
Business Ethics Quarterly 23 (3), 407-442, 2013
Bowing before dual gods: How structured flexibility sustains organizational hybridity
WK Smith, ML Besharov
Administrative Science Quarterly 64 (1), 1-44, 2019
On hybrids and hybrid organizing: A review and roadmap for future research
J Battilana, M Besharov, B Mitzinneck
The SAGE handbook of organizational institutionalism 2, 128-162, 2017
A paradoxical leadership model for social entrepreneurs: Challenges, leadership skills, and pedagogical tools for managing social and commercial demands
WK Smith, ML Besharov, AK Wessels, M Chertok
Academy of Management Learning & Education 11 (3), 463-478, 2012
Revisiting the Meaning of Leadership
J Podolny, R Khurana, M Hill-Popper
Research in Organizational Behavior, 2004
The relational ecology of identification: How organizational identification emerges when individuals hold divergent values
ML Besharov
Academy of Management Journal 57 (5), 1485-1512, 2014
Managing value tensions in collective social entrepreneurship: The role of temporal, structural, and collaborative compromise
BC Mitzinneck, ML Besharov
Journal of Business Ethics 159 (2), 381-400, 2019
Leading amidst competing technical and institutional demands: Revisiting Selznick’s conception of leadership
ML Besharov, R Khurana
Institutions and ideals: Philip Selznick’s legacy for organizational studies …, 2015
Unpacking variation in hybrid organizational forms: Changing models of social enterprise among nonprofits, 2000–2013
JB Litrico, ML Besharov
Journal of Business Ethics 159 (2), 343-360, 2019
Hedonic and Transcendent Conceptions of Value
J Podolny, M Hill-Popper
Industrial and Corporate Change, 2004
Organizational identity and institutional forces
ML Besharov, SL Brickson
The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Identity, Oxford University Press, New …, 2016
Multiple logics within organizations: An integrative framework and model of organizational hybridity
ML Besharov, WK Smith
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University working paper, 2012
Meaning, mission, and measurement: How organizational performance measurement shapes perceptions of work as worthy
H Beer, P Micheli, M Besharov
Academy of Management Journal 65 (6), 1923-1953, 2022
Heterogeneity in organizational hybridity: A configurational, situated, and dynamic approach
ML Besharov, BC Mitzinneck
Organizational hybridity: Perspectives, processes, promises, 3-25, 2020
Mission goes corporate: Employee behavior in a mission-driven business
ML Besharov
Harvard University, 2008
Organizational hybridity: Perspectives, processes, promises
ML Besharov, BC Mitzinneck
Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020
A framework for sustaining hybridity in social enterprises: combining differentiating and integrating
M Besharov, W Smith, T Darabi
Handbook of inclusive innovation, 394-413, 2019
The multiple facets of corporate purpose: An analytical typology
M Besharov, B Mitzinneck
Strategy Science 8 (2), 233-244, 2023
Feasibility and acceptability of community coronavirus disease 2019 testing strategies (FACTS) in a university setting
JA Hirst, M Logan, TR Fanshawe, L Mwandigha, M Wanat, C Vicary, ...
Open forum infectious diseases 8 (12), ofab495, 2021
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