Sebastian Miller
Sebastian Miller
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Long run effects and intergenerational transmission of natural disasters: A case study on the 1970 Ancash Earthquake
G Caruso, S Miller
Journal of development economics 117, 134-150, 2015
Are environmentally related taxes effective?
S Miller, M Vela
IDB Working Paper No. IDB-WP-467, 2013
Chile: the unbearable burden of inequality
R López, SJ Miller
World Development 36 (12), 2679-2695, 2008
Computable general equilibrium model analysis of economywide cross effects of social and environmental policies in Chile
R O'Ryan, CJ De Miguel, S Miller, M Munasinghe
Ecological Economics 54 (4), 447-472, 2005
Ensayo sobre equilibrio general computable: teoría y aplicaciones
R O'Ryan, CJ De Miguel, S Miller
Centro de Economía Aplicada, Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial, Facultad …, 2000
A CGE framework to evaluate policy options for reducing air pollution emissions in Chile
R O'Ryan, S Miller, CJ De Miguel
Environment and Development Economics 8 (2), 285-309, 2003
The Socioeconomic and environmental effects of free trade agreements: a dynamic CGE analysis for Chile
R O'ryan, CJ De Miguel, S Miller, M Pereira
Environment and Development Economics 16 (3), 305-327, 2011
The effects of air pollution on educational outcomes: evidence from Chile
S Miller, M Vela
IDB Working Paper No. IDB-WP-468, 2013
The second generation model: Comparison of SGM and GTAP approaches to data development
RD Sands, S Miller, MK Kim
PNNL report 15467 (6), 2005
Development diagnostics for the southern cone
E Borensztein, SJ Miller, G Sánchez, P Valenzuela
Inter-American Development Bank, 2014
Manual sobre Modelos de Equilibrio General Computado para economías de LAC con énfasis en el análisis económico del Cambio Climático
OO Chisari, J Maquieyra, SJ Miller
Inter-American Development Bank, 2012
Vulnerability indicators of adaptation to climate change and policy implications for investment projects
BK Yu, SJ Miller, L Sanchez-Aragon, SW Yoon, CE Ludeña
Inter-American Development Bank, 2015
Adapting to climate change: Long-term effects of drought on local labor markets
P Bastos, M Busso, S Miller
IDB Working Paper No. IDB-WP-466, 2013
Long-run carbon emission implications of energy-intensive infrastructure investments with a retrofit option
J Strand, S Miller, S Siddiqui
Energy Economics 46, 308-317, 2014
Politics under the weather: droughts, parties and electoral outcomes
SJ Miller, P Bastos
Inter-American Development Bank, 2013
CGE Modeling: The Relevance of Alternative Structural Specifications for the Evaluation of Carbon Taxes' Impact and for the Integrated Assessment of Climate Change Effects …
OO Chisari, SJ Miller
Inter-American Development Bank, 2015
Ciberseguridad¿ Estamos preparados en América Latina y el Caribe
BI de Desarrollo
BID. Marzo, 2016
The structure of public expenditure: A robust predictor of economic development
R Lopez, S Miller
University of Maryland at College Park Working Paper. A thorough cross …, 2007
El manejo de los ingresos fiscales del cobre en Chile
E Borensztein, B Piedrabuena, R Ossowski, V Mercer-Blackman, SJ Miller
Inter-American Development Bank, 2013
Potential for energy storage in combination with renewable energy in Latin America and the Caribbean
L Balza, C Gischler, N Janson, SJ Miller, G Servetti
Inter-American Development Bank, 2014
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Articles 1–20