Guobao Xiao
Cited by
Cited by
A review of multimodal image matching: Methods and applications
X Jiang, J Ma, G Xiao, Z Shao, X Guo
Information Fusion 73, 22-71, 2021
STDFusionNet: An infrared and visible image fusion network based on salient target detection
J Ma, L Tang, M Xu, H Zhang, G Xiao*
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70, 1-13, 2021
Video polyp segmentation: A deep learning perspective
GP Ji#, G Xiao#, YC Chou, DP Fan*, K Zhao, G Chen, L Van Gool
Machine Intelligence Research 19 (6), 531-549, 2022
Meta-GDBP: a high-level stacked regression model to improve anticancer drug response prediction
R Su, X Liu, G Xiao*, L Wei*
Briefings in Bioinformatics 21 (3), 996-1005, 2020
DA-Net: Dual-attention network for multivariate time series classification
R Chen, X Yan, S Wang, G Xiao
Information Sciences 610, 472-487, 2022
Searching for Representative Modes on Hypergraphs for Robust Geometric Model Fitting
H Wang#, G Xiao#, Y Yan, D Suter
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2019
PepFormer: End-to-End transformer-based siamese network to predict and enhance peptide detectability based on sequence only
H Cheng, B Rao, L Liu, L Cui, G Xiao, R Su, L Wei
Analytical Chemistry 93 (16), 6481-6490, 2021
Deep residual haze network for image dehazing and deraining
C Wang, Z Li, J Wu, H Fan, G Xiao, H Zhang
IEEE Access 8, 9488-9500, 2020
Pgfnet: Preference-guided filtering network for two-view correspondence learning
X Liu, G Xiao*, R Chen*, J Ma
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 32, 1367-1378, 2023
Robust feature matching via neighborhood manifold representation consensus
J Ma, Z Li, K Zhang, Z Shao, G Xiao
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 183, 196-209, 2022
SRDFM: Siamese Response Deep Factorization Machine to improve anti-cancer drug recommendation
R Su, YX Huang, D Zhang, G Xiao*, L Wei*
Briefings in Bioinformatics 23 (2), bbab534, 2022
Bsca-net: Bit slicing context attention network for polyp segmentation
Y Lin, J Wu, G Xiao*, J Guo, G Chen, J Ma
Pattern Recognition 132, 108917, 2022
Feature matching via motion-consistency driven probabilistic graphical model
J Ma, A Fan, X Jiang, G Xiao
International Journal of Computer Vision 130 (9), 2249-2264, 2022
iDNA-ABT: advanced deep learning model for detecting DNA methylation with adaptive features and transductive information maximization
Y Yu, W He, J Jin, G Xiao, L Cui, R Zeng, L Wei
Bioinformatics 37 (24), 4603-4610, 2021
Hypergraph modelling for geometric model fitting
G Xiao, H Wang*, T Lai, D Suter
Pattern Recognition 60, 748-760, 2016
Mode-seeking on hypergraphs for robust geometric model fitting
H Wang#, G Xiao#, Y Yan, D Suter
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV …, 2015
MSA-Net: Establishing reliable correspondences by multiscale attention network
L Zheng, G Xiao*, Z Shi, S Wang, J Ma
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 31, 4598-4608, 2022
A very deep densely connected network for compressed sensing MRI
K Zeng, Y Yang, G Xiao, Z Chen
Ieee Access 7, 85430-85439, 2019
Seeded random walk for multi-view semi-supervised classification
S Wang, Z Wang, KL Lim, G Xiao, W Guo
Knowledge-Based Systems 222, 107016, 2021
T-net: Effective permutation-equivariant network for two-view correspondence learning
Z Zhong, G Xiao*, L Zheng, Y Lu, J Ma
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2021
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Articles 1–20