Todd Davies
Todd Davies
Symbolic Systems Program & Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University
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Cited by
A logical approach to reasoning by analogy
TR Davies, SJ Russell
10th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-87 …, 1987
Online deliberation: Design, research, and practice
T Davies, S Peña Gangadharan
CSLI Publications/University of Chicago Press, 2009
Commonsense metaphysics and lexical semantics
JR Hobbs, W Croft, T Davies, D Edwards, K Laws
Computational Linguistics 13 (3-4), 241-250, 1987
Online deilberation design: Choices, criteria, and evidence
T Davies, R Chandler
Democracy in motion: Evaluating the practice and impact of deliberative …, 2012
Effectiveness of public deliberation methods for gathering input on issues in healthcare: results from a randomized trial
KL Carman, C Mallery, M Maurer, G Wang, S Garfinkel, M Yang, ...
Social Science & Medicine 133, 11-20, 2015
The FINITE STRING Newsletter Site Report Overview of the TACITUS Project
JR Hobbs, J Bear, W Croft, T Davies, D Edwards, K Laws, P Martin, ...
Computational Linguistics 12 (3), 220-222, 1986
Determination, uniformity, and relevance: Normative criteria for generalization and reasoning by analogy
TR Davies
Analogical reasoning: Perspectives of artificial intelligence, cognitive …, 1988
The blossoming field of online deliberation
T Davies
Online deliberation: Design, research, and practice, 1-20, 2009
An online environment for democratic deliberation: Motivations, principles, and design
T Davies, B O’Connor, A Cochran, JJ Effrat, B Newman, A Tam
Online deliberation: Design, research, and practice, 275-292, 2009
Community Forum deliberative methods demonstration: Evaluating effectiveness and eliciting public views on use of evidence - full report
KL Carman, M Maurer, C Mallery, G Wang, S Garfinkel, J Richmond, ...
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2014
Design features for the social web: The architecture of Deme
TR Davies, MD Mintz
8th International Workshop on Web Oriented Software Technologies (IWWOST …, 2009
The tacitus commonsense knowledge base
J Hobbs, W Croft, T Davies, D Edwards, K Laws
Artificial Intelligence Research Center, SRI International, 1987
Equality of participation online versus face to face: Condensed analysis of the Community Forum deliberative methods demonstration
E Showers, N Tindall, T Davies
Electronic Participation: 7th IFIP WG 8.5. International Conference, ePart …, 2015
T Davies
Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University, 1985
Mind change: How digital technologies are leaving their mark on our brains, by Susan Greenfield (book review)
T Davies
New Media & Society 18 (9), 2139-2141, 2016
Design for online deliberative processes and technologies: Towards a multidisciplinary research agenda
L Xiao, W Zhang, A Przybylska, A De Liddo, G Convertino, T Davies, ...
CHI 2015 Extended Abstracts, 2015
Digital democracy: episode IV—a new hope*: How a Corporation for Public Software could transform digital engagement for government and civil society
J Gastil, T Davies
Digital Government: Research and Practice 1 (1), Article 6, 2020
Digital rights and freedoms: A framework for surveying users and analyzing policies
T Davies
Social Informatics: 6th International Conference, SocInfo 2014, LNCS 8851, 2014
Community Forum deliberative methods demonstration: Evaluating effectiveness and eliciting public views on use of evidence - executive summary
K Carman, M Maurer, C Mallery, G Wang, S Garfinkel, J Richmond, ...
Intuitive preference aggregation: Tests of independence and consistency
T Davies, R Shah
Revised Working Paper from Public Choice Society 2003 Annual Meeting …, 2004
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Articles 1–20