Christoph Thiel
Christoph Thiel
Gesellschaft für Luftverkehrsforschung GmbH (GfL)
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Collision Risk on final Approach–a radar-data based Evaluation Method to assess Safety
C Thiel, H Fricke
Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Air …, 2010
A Methodology to Assess the Safety of Aircraft Operations when Aerodrome Obstacle Standards cannot be met
H Fricke, C Thiel
A quantitative safety assessment tool based on aircraft actual navigation performance
M Vogel, C Thiel, H Fricke
Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Air …, 2010
Air traffic complexity as a safety performance indicator
J Djokic, H Fricke, M Schultz, C Thiel
Science & Military Journal 4 (2), 20, 2009
Assessing the air traffic control safety impact of airline pilot induced latencies.
M Vogel, C Thiel, H Fricke
ATACCS, 38-45, 2012
Safety Monitoring of new implemented approach procedures by means of radar data analysis
C Thiel, C Seiß, M Vogel, H Fricke
Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Air …, 2012
Simulative Assessment of Reduced Lateral Separation Minima for the Terminal Airspace
M Vogel, C Thiel, H Fricke
Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Air …, 2012
Mid-air collisions with drones
H Fricke, S Förster, R Brühl, WJ Austen, C Thiel
ATM Seminar, 2021
Assessment of Aircraft Accident Probability on Industrial Facilities by Means of GIS Risk-Register, the Examples of Geneva," Geneva Risk".
A Susini, C Hürzeler, A Schönenberger, A Massot, H Fricke, N Gronak, ...
EnviroInfo, 466-475, 2008
Experimental Quantification of Times Needed to Comply With Air Traffic Control Advisories (FCU & MCDU Interaction)
M Vogel, C Thiel, H Fricke
Proceedings of 5th SESAR Innovation Days (SID), 2015
Simulationsgestuetzte Risikoanalyse des Luftverkehrs. Integriertes Sicherheitsbewertungsmodell fuer An-und Abflugverfahren im Kontext der Einfuehrung flugleistungsbasierter …
M Vogel, C Thiel, H Fricke
Internationales Verkehrswesen, 2015
Assessment of local aircraft crash risk
C Thiel, H Fricke
International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT), Fairfax, USA, 2008
Ermittlung von Bedienreaktionszeiten bei der Umsetzung von Flugsicherungsanweisungen
M Vogel, C Thiel, T Kunze, H Fricke
Dresdner Transferbrief, 2015
Actual Navigation Performance of Helicopters in the Final Approach Phase of RNAV (GPS) Approaches
C Thiel, C Seiß, H Fricke
Adaptation of industrial risk prioritization methods (IAEA and Geneva-Risk) for the assessment of aircraft accident consequences on industrial facilities by means of GIS Risk …
A Susini, C Hürzeler, A Schönenberger, A Massot, H Fricke, N Gronak, ...
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Articles 1–15